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A temperate super-Jupiter imaged with JWST in the mid-infrared
Nature ( IF 50.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07837-8
E C Matthews 1 , A L Carter 2 , P Pathak 3 , C V Morley 4 , M W Phillips 5 , S Krishanth P M 6 , F Feng 7 , M J Bonse 8, 9 , L A Boogaard 1 , J A Burt 10 , I J M Crossfield 11 , E S Douglas 6 , Th Henning 1 , J Hom 6 , C-L Ko 6 , M Kasper 12 , A-M Lagrange 13 , D Petit Dit de la Roche 14 , F Philipot 13

Of the ~25 directly imaged planets to date, all are younger than 500Myr and all but 6 are younger than 100Myr1. Eps Ind A (HD209100, HIP108870) is a K5V star of roughly solar age (recently derived as 3.7-5.7Gyr2 and \({{\boldsymbol{3.5}}}_{-{\bf{1.3}}}^{+{\bf{0.8}}}\)Gyr3). A long-term radial velocity trend 4,5 as well as an astrometric acceleration6,7 led to claims of a giant planet2,8,9 orbiting the nearby star (3.6384±0.0013pc10). Here we report JWST coronagraphic images that reveal a giant exoplanet which is consistent with these radial and astrometric measurements, but inconsistent with the previously claimed planet properties. The new planet has temperature ~275K, and is remarkably bright at 10.65µm and 15.50µm. Non-detections between 3.5-5µm indicate an unknown opacity source in the atmosphere, possibly suggesting a high metallicity, high carbon-to-oxygen ratio planet. The best-fit temperature of the planet is consistent with theoretical thermal evolution models, which are previously untested at this temperature range. The data indicates that this is likely the only giant planet in the system and we therefore refer to it as “b”, despite it having significantly different orbital properties than the previously claimed planet “b”.


使用 JWST 拍摄的中红外温带超级木星

迄今为止,在约 25 颗直接成像的行星中,所有行星的年龄都小于 500Myr,除了 6 颗外,所有行星的年龄都小于 100Myr 1 。 Eps Ind A (HD209100, HIP108870) 是一颗大约太阳年龄的 K5V 恒星(最近推导为 3.7-5.7Gyr 2\({{\boldsymbol{3.5}}}_{-{\bf{1.3}}}^{ +{\bf{0.8}}}\)吉尔3 )。长期径向速度趋势4,5以及天体测量加速度6,7导致声称存在一颗围绕附近恒星运行的巨行星2,8,9 (3.6384±0.0013pc 10 )。在这里,我们报告了 JWST 日冕图像,该图像揭示了一颗巨大的系外行星,该行星与这些径向和天体测量结果一致,但与之前声称的行星属性不一致。新行星的温度约为 275K,在 10.65μm 和 15.50μm 处非常明亮。 3.5-5μm 之间的未检测到表明大气中存在未知的不透明源,可能表明存在高金属丰度、高碳氧比的行星。行星的最佳拟合温度与理论热演化模型一致,而该模型此前并未在该温度范围内进行过测试。数据表明,这可能是该系统中唯一的巨行星,因此我们将其称为“b”,尽管它的轨道特性与之前声称的行星“b”有显着不同。
