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Efficient Biodegradation of Multiple Aryloxyphenoxypropionate Herbicides by Corynebacterium sp. Z-1 and the Proposed Degradation Mechanism
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c02786
Yongsheng Gao 1 , Yurui Guo 1 , Qingyuan Wang 1 , Baoyu Zhang 1 , Xiangwei Wu 1

Esterases are crucial for aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicide (AOPP) biodegradation. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of AOPP biodegradation by esterases are poorly understood. In the current work, Corynebacterium sp. Z-1 was isolated and found to degrade multiple AOPPs, including quizalofop-p-ethyl (QPE), haloxyfop-p-methyl (HPM), fenoxaprop-p-ethyl (FPE), cyhalofop-butyl (CYB), and clodinafop-propargyl (CFP). A novel esterase, QfeH, which catalyzes the cleavage of ester bonds in AOPPs to form AOPP acids, was identified from strain Z-1. The catalytic activities of QfeH toward AOPPs decreased in the following order: CFP > FPE > CYB > QPE > HPM. Molecular docking, computational analyses, and site-directed mutagenesis indicated the catalytic mechanisms of QfeH-mediated degradation of different AOPPs. Notably, the key residue S159 is essential for the activity of QfeH. Moreover, V222Y, T227M, T227A, A271R, and M275K mutants, exhibiting 2.9–5.0 times greater activity than QfeH, were constructed. This study facilitates the mechanistic understanding of AOPPs bioremediation by esterases.


棒状杆菌属对多种芳氧基苯氧基丙酸酯除草剂的高效生物降解。 Z-1 和拟议的降解机制

酯酶对于芳氧基苯氧基丙酸酯除草剂 (AOPP) 的生物降解至关重要。然而,人们对酯酶生物降解 AOPP 的潜在分子机制知之甚少。在目前的工作中,棒状杆菌属。 Z-1 经分离发现可降解多种 AOPP,包括精喹禾(QPE)、氟灵 (HPM)、恶灵 (FPE)、氰氟草酯 (CYB) 和啶草灵炔丙基(CFP)。从菌株 Z-1 中鉴定出一种新型酯酶 QfeH,它催化 AOPP 中酯键的裂解形成 AOPP 酸。 QfeH对AOPPs的催化活性按以下顺序降低:CFP>FPE>CYB>QPE>HPM。分子对接、计算分析和定点诱变表明了 QfeH 介导的不同 AOPP 降解的催化机制。值得注意的是,关键残基 S159 对于 QfeH 的活性至关重要。此外,还构建了 V222Y、T227M、T227A、A271R 和 M275K 突变体,其活性比 QfeH 高 2.9-5.0 倍。这项研究有助于理解酯酶对 AOPP 进行生物修复的机制。