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Correspondence on “Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Personal Hygiene Products: The Implications for Human Exposure and Emission to the Environment”
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c05831
Tomoko Fujitani 1 , Yukiko Fujii 2 , Kouji H Harada 1

Zhou et al. measured per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in hygiene products in China and estimated human exposure and emissions to the environment. (1) It is interesting to note that relatively high concentrations of PFOA were detected in diaper products, which could contribute to infant exposure to PFAS. Several parameters were used for the estimated daily intake (EDI, nanograms per kilogram of body weight per day) from hygiene products. While the average body weight (BW) and the number of diapers used (N) are considered reasonable, we believe that the transdermal absorption rate (A) and the surface layer weight (M) need more attention. Zhou et al. justified a high absorption rate of 70% according to the report by Xia et al. that used 50% as an absorption rate, (2) but 50% is only a default value (3) and may not be used as a direct basis for the estimation. Furthermore, the model used by Xia et al. (2) included a migration rate of 0.1%, which assumes less migration of PFAS from the product to a skin surface. However, the migration rate was not used by Zhou et al. It is not appropriate to pick up some of the parameters and explain them for justification. Zhou et al. stated that the estimation model (eq 1) was cited from the report by Ishi et al., (4) but the model in the original study included a rate of migration from the diaper (Mig) in the EDI formula as follows Exclusion of Mig may significantly overestimate the EDI, but there was no explanation in the paper by Zhou et al. A similar erroneous citation of the model (eq 2) occurred in ref (5). In addition, the weight of the surface layer (M) depends on the process of exfoliation from the samples. Zhou et al. did not describe the process and show the actual weights in products, but the information is helpful for readers. In addition, comparisons of the exposures should be comprehensive. They cited several EDIs from foods and indoor dusts, but did not include exposure from breast milk and infant formula which are reported as an important exposure pathway for infants. In addition, comparisons of the exposures should be comprehensive. They cited several EDIs from foods and indoor dusts but did not include exposure from breast milk and artificial milk, which are reported as an important exposure pathway for infants. (6) Our previous study investigated perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) in breast milk and infant formula in China to determine exposure levels (Table 1). (7) The exposure levels were higher than the “worst-case” estimate for diaper use. It should be noted that breast milk and infant formula are important as direct oral exposure routes for infants. Mean estimated daily intake from breast milk or infant formula. “Worst-case” estimated daily intake from diaper use. This article references 7 other publications. This article has not yet been cited by other publications.