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Hyperpolarized Nano-NMR Platform for Quantification of Mass Limited Samples
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c02378
Roberta Pigliapochi 1, 2 , Thasin Peyear 1, 2, 3 , Thomas Ruan 1, 2, 3 , Kayvan R Keshari 1, 2, 3

Metabolic flux analysis of live cells using NMR enables the study of cancer metabolism and response to treatment. However, conventional NMR platforms require often prohibitively high numbers of cells to achieve significant resolution. In this work, we present a double 1H/13C resonance NMR probe consisting of a solenoid coil with a less than 100 nL sensitive region. In-solution robustness is demonstrated through measurement of decaying hyperpolarized signals. A suspension of live cells and hyperpolarized (HP) [1-13C]pyruvate is loaded in the coil, and dynamic changes in pyruvate and lactate concentrations by fractions of femtomoles are detected from just 2000 live cells at a time, in seconds. Through an integrated microfluidic channel, the probe is used as high-throughput platform to perform nondestructive quantitative analysis of metabolic flux of different leukemia cell lines with sensitivity to detect on target treatment response. This approach platform provides an approach to study mass-limited samples and living cells with dramatically enhanced sensitivity in real time.


用于定量有限质量样品的超极化纳米 NMR 平台

使用 NMR 对活细胞进行代谢通量分析可以研究癌症代谢和治疗反应。然而,传统的 NMR 平台通常需要大量的细胞才能实现显着的分辨率。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种双1 H/ 13 C 共振 NMR 探针,由敏感区域小于 100 nL 的螺线管线圈组成。通过测量衰减的超极化信号来证明溶液内的鲁棒性。将活细胞和超极化 (HP) [1- 13 C]丙酮酸盐的悬浮液加载到线圈中,在几秒钟内一次从 2000 个活细胞中检测到飞摩尔分数的丙酮酸盐和乳酸浓度的动态变化。通过集成的微流体通道,该探针用作高通量平台,对不同白血病细胞系的代谢流进行无损定量分析,并灵敏地检测目标治疗反应。该方法平台提供了一种研究质量有限的样品和活细胞的方法,并且实时显着提高了灵敏度。