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Forage legume responses to climate change factors
Crop Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1002/csc2.21304
Lynn E. Sollenberger 1 , Marta M. Kohmann 2

Incorporating forage legumes into grasslands is a recommended climate change mitigation strategy, but accruing desired benefits from legumes is contingent upon their resilience when exposed to climate change factors (CCF). Our objective was to synthesize literature describing responses to CCF of a broad array of forage legume species, including annuals and perennials from both temperate and tropical/subtropical regions. Most-represented species in the related literature include alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), various Trifolium and Lotus species, rhizoma peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth.), and capitata stylo (Stylosanthes capitata Vogel). The data indicate that while CCF effects on forage legumes can be generalized, interactions among CCF, species, and site-specific soil/climate conditions may cause variation from expected responses. In most instances, exposing forage legumes to CO2 enrichment (eCO2) increased forage accumulation (FA), but elevated temperature (eT) often reduced the magnitude of the positive response to eCO2. Photosynthetic acclimation to eCO2 occurs in non-N-fixing plants, but legume nodules are large C sinks and drive sustained increases in legume FA to eCO2. Legume N2 fixation and the proportion of legume N derived from N2 fixation increase with eCO2, but the magnitude of the increases lessens with eT. Legume nutritive value (NV) responses to eCO2 are less pronounced than FA responses, but decreased herbage N and greater nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations are common. Exposure to eT negatively affects NV unless intervals between defoliation events are shortened. Limited data on reproductive performance show CCF affect flower number, pollen grain morphology and viability, and behavior of pollinators, potentially influencing legume reproductive success.



将饲料豆类纳入草原是一项推荐的气候变化缓解策略,但从豆类中获得预期效益取决于它们在暴露于气候变化因素(CCF)时的恢复能力。我们的目标是综合描述多种饲用豆科植物对 CCF 反应的文献,包括来自温带和热带/亚热带地区的一年生植物和多年生植物。相关文献中最有代表性的物种包括苜蓿( Medicago sativa L.)、各种三叶草莲花物种、根茎花生( Arachis glabrata Benth.)和头状花柱( Stylosanthes capitata Vogel)。数据表明,虽然 CCF 对饲料豆类的影响可以概括,但 CCF、物种和特定地点土壤/气候条件之间的相互作用可能会导致与预期响应的差异。在大多数情况下,将饲料豆类暴露于CO 2富集(eCO 2 ) 会增加饲料积累(FA),但升高温度(eT) 通常会降低对eCO 2 的积极反应的程度。对eCO 2 的光合适应发生在非固氮植物中,但豆科植物根瘤是大型碳汇并驱动豆科植物FA持续增加至eCO 2 。豆科植物N 2固定和来自N 2固定的豆科植物N的比例随着eCO 2 的增加而增加,但增加的幅度随着eT的增加而减小。豆类营养价值 (NV) 对 eCO 2 的反应不如 FA 反应明显,但牧草氮含量降低和非结构性碳水化合物浓度升高很常见。 除非缩短落叶事件之间的间隔,否则暴露于 eT 会对 NV 产生负面影响。关于繁殖性能的有限数据表明,CCF 会影响花数、花粉粒形态和活力以及传粉者的行为,从而可能影响豆科植物繁殖的成功。