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Carbon dynamics in high-Andean tropical cushion peatlands: A review of geographic patterns and potential drivers
Ecological Monographs ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1614
Mary Carolina García Lino 1, 2 , Simon Pfanzelt 3, 4 , Alejandra I. Domic 2, 5, 6 , Isabell Hensen 1, 7 , Karsten Schittek 8 , Rosa Isela Meneses 2, 9 , Maaike Y. Bader 10

Peatlands store large amounts of carbon (C), a function potentially threatened by climate change. Peatlands composed of vascular cushion plants are widespread in the northern and central high Andes (páramo, wet and dry puna), but their C dynamics are hardly known. To understand the interplay of the main drivers of peatland C dynamics and to infer geographic patterns across the Andean regions, we addressed the following question: How do topography, hydrology, temperature, past climate variability, and vegetation influence the C dynamics of these peatlands? We summarize the available information on observed spatial and inferred temporal patterns of cushion peatland development in the tropical and subtropical Andes. Based on this, we recognize the following emerging patterns, which all need testing in further studies addressing spatial and temporal patterns of C accumulation: (1) Peatlands in dry climates and those in larger catchments receive higher sediment inputs than peatlands from wet puna and páramo and in small catchments. This results in peat stratigraphies intercalated with mineral layers and affects C accumulation by triggering vegetation changes. (2) High and constant water tables favor C accumulation. Seasonal water level fluctuations are higher in wet and dry puna, in comparison with páramo, leading to more frequent episodes of C loss in puna. (3) Higher temperatures favor C gain under high and constant water availability but also increase C loss under low and fluctuating water levels. (4) C accumulation has been variable through the Holocene, but several peatlands show a recent increase in C accumulation rates. (5) Vegetation affects C dynamics through species-specific differences in productivity and decomposition rate. Because of predicted regional differences in global climate change manifestations (seasonality, permafrost behavior, temperature, precipitation regimes), cushion peatlands from the páramo are expected to mostly continue as C sinks for now, whereas those of the dry puna are more likely to turn to C sources as a consequence of increasing aridification.



泥炭地储存了大量的碳(C),这一功能可能受到气候变化的威胁。由维管垫状植物组成的泥炭地广泛分布在安第斯山脉北部和中部高地(帕拉莫、湿普纳和干普纳),但它们的碳动态却鲜为人知。为了了解泥炭地碳动态主要驱动因素的相互作用并推断整个安第斯地区的地理模式,我们解决了以下问题:地形、水文、温度、过去的气候变化和植被如何影响这些泥炭地的碳动态?我们总结了热带和亚热带安第斯山脉垫层泥炭地发育的观测空间和推断时间模式的现有信息。基于此,我们认识到以下新出现的模式,这些模式都需要在进一步研究中测试,以解决碳积累的空间和时间模式:(1)干燥气候和较大流域的泥炭地比潮湿的普纳和帕拉莫泥炭地接收更多的沉积物输入以及小流域。这导致泥炭地层插入矿物层,并通过触发植被变化影响碳积累。 (2)高且恒定的地下水位有利于C的积累。与帕拉莫相比,湿和干普纳的季节性水位波动更大,导致普纳更频繁地出现碳损失。 (3) 在高且恒定的可用水量下,较高的温度有利于碳的增加,但在低且波动的水位下也会增加碳的损失。 (4) 碳积累量在全新世期间一直存在变化,但一些泥炭地的碳积累率最近有所增加。 (5) 植被通过生产力和分解速率的物种特异性差异影响碳动态。 由于全球气候变化表现(季节性、永久冻土行为、温度、降水状况)的预测区域差异,预计帕拉莫地区的垫状泥炭地目前将随着碳浓度下降而继续存在,而干燥的普纳地区的垫状泥炭地更有可能转向碳源是干旱化加剧的结果。