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Influence of Western Pacific Madden–Julian Oscillation on New York City's Record-Breaking Air Pollution in Early June 2023
Geophysical Research Letters ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1029/2024gl109061
Yan Zhu 1 , Pang‐chi Hsu 1 , Yitian Qian 1

In early June 2023, New York City (NYC) and other cities in the northeastern US experienced a severe air pollution event. Although reports associated this hazardous pollution event with the smoke from Canadian wildfires, the factors triggering the southward waft of the smoke remain unclear. We found the northerly anomaly that transported the smoke was linked to the Rossby wave train excited by the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) over the Philippine Sea, which led to the formation of an enhanced northerly at the western edge of the cyclonic anomaly over the East Coast–North Atlantic. When the MJO convection left the western Pacific, the disorganized teleconnection caused the pollution to dissipate. Observational findings were further supported by model simulations and predictions. These results suggest that monitoring and predictions of MJO activity may help mitigate air pollution events over the northeastern US during Canadian wildfire seasons.


西太平洋马登-朱利安涛动对 2023 年 6 月上旬纽约市创纪录的空气污染的影响

2023年6月上旬,纽约市(NYC)等美国东北部城市经历了严重的空气污染事件。尽管有报道称这次危险污染事件与加拿大山火产生的烟雾有关,但引发烟雾南下的因素仍不清楚。我们发现输送烟雾的北风异常与菲律宾海上空马登-朱利安振荡(MJO)激发的罗斯比波列有关,这导致在菲律宾海上空气旋异常的西缘形成增强的北风。东海岸-北大西洋。当MJO对流离开西太平洋时,混乱的遥相关导致污染消散。模型模拟和预测进一步支持了观测结果。这些结果表明,监测和预测 MJO 活动可能有助于减轻加拿大野火季节美国东北部的空气污染事件。