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Re-imagining performance spaces and locations in ecological dynamics: Implications for pedagogical practices in physical education
European Physical Education Review ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1177/1356336x241260245
Martyn Rothwell 1 , Øyvind Bjerke 2 , Ben William Strafford 3 , Tim Robinson 3 , Craig Haslingden 3 , Martina Navarro 4 , Keith Davids 3

Many places and locations for physical education, and the associated pedagogies, limit the enrichment of the individual–environment system. Strengthening this relationship can provide children and youth with greater functionality to navigate a diverse range of environments more effectively, leading to a positive relationship with sport and physical activity across the lifespan. The purpose of this position paper is to draw attention to the role that environmental constraints play in shaping the relationship between places, locations, and pedagogical practice in physical education. More specifically, we demonstrate how the design of spaces for physical education, and movement competencies more generally, emerges under political, historical, cultural, and socioeconomic factors. Ecological dynamics is presented as an explanatory framework to position the concept of open spaces as a means of enriching individual–environment interactions via guided discovery and exploratory behaviour. In unpacking these key concepts, we highlight innovative approaches to the design of open spaces for physical activity and sport, exemplified by the Skills Garden and PLAYCE initiatives. To move beyond the theoretical arguments presented in this article, we encourage practitioners and applied scientists to collaborate and integrate sub-disciplines, applied ideas, and research methods to re-imagine the design of spaces for learning. To take full advantage of redesigned spaces in strengthening the individual–environment system, practitioners need to adopt a model of physical education that complements these contemporary learning spaces.



许多体育教育场所和地点以及相关的教学法限制了个人-环境系统的丰富。加强这种关系可以为儿童和青少年提供更强大的功能,以更有效地驾驭各种环境,从而在整个生命周期中与体育和身体活动建立积极的关系。本立场文件的目的是提请人们注意环境约束在塑造体育教育中的场所、地点和教学实践之间的关系中所发挥的作用。更具体地说,我们展示了体育空间和更广泛的运动能力的设计是如何在政治、历史、文化和社会经济因素下出现的。生态动力学被提出作为一个解释框架,将开放空间的概念定位为通过引导发现和探索行为丰富个体与环境互动的手段。在阐述这些关键概念时,我们强调了体育活动和体育开放空间设计的创新方法,例如技能花园和 PLAYCE 计划。为了超越本文提出的理论论点,我们鼓励从业者和应用科学家合作并整合子学科、应用思想和研究方法,以重新构想学习空间的设计。为了充分利用重新设计的空间来加强个人-环境系统,从业者需要采用一种补充这些当代学习空间的体育教育模式。