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Revealing the Freezing-Induced Alteration in Microplastic Behavior and Its Implication for the Microplastics Released from Seasonal Ice
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-20 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c05322
Zhikun Chen 1 , Maria Elektorowicz 1 , Chunjiang An 1 , Xuelin Tian 1 , Zheng Wang 1 , Xiaohan Yang 1 , Linxiang Lyu 1

Ice can serve as a significant temporary repository and conveyance mechanism for microplastics (MPs). MPs present in the water column can become entrapped within developing ice formations, subsequently being sequestered and transported by ice floes. With changing temperatures, MPs stored in ice can be released back into the environment, while freezing conditions can alter the properties of MPs, ultimately affecting the fate of MPs in the environment. Freezing of MPs in freshwater ice results in the aggregation of MP particles due to physical compression, leading to an increase in particle size once the MPs are released from the ice. The freezing-induced aggregation enhances buoyancy effects, accelerating the settling/rising velocity of MPs in water. Additionally, freezing can lead to enhanced surface wetting alterations, thus improving the dispersion of hydrophobic MPs. The presence of salt in the water can mitigate the effect of freezing on MPs due to the formation of a brine network within the ice structure, which reduces the pressure on MPs entrapped by ice. In cold regions, numerous MPs undergo freezing and thawing, re-entering the water column.



冰可以作为微塑料(MP)的重要临时储存库和运输机制。水柱中存在的 MP 可能会被捕获在正在形成的冰层中,随后被浮冰隔离和运输。随着温度的变化,储存在冰中的 MP 可以释放回环境中,而冰冻条件可以改变 MP 的特性,最终影响 MP 在环境中的命运。淡水冰中的 MP 冻结会导致 MP 颗粒由于物理压缩而聚集,一旦 MP 从冰中释放出来,就会导致颗粒尺寸增大。冷冻引起的聚集增强了浮力效应,加速了 MP 在水中的沉降/上升速度。此外,冷冻可导致表面润湿性改变增强,从而改善疏水性 MP 的分散性。水中盐的存在可以减轻冰冻对 MP 的影响,因为冰结构内形成盐水网络,从而减少了被冰困住的 MP 的压力。在寒冷地区,无数议员经历冰冻和解冻,重新进入水体。