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Inadequate mentoring in undergraduate research experiences: Exploring protective factors
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-20 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15186
Danielle X Morales 1 , Sara E Grineski 2 , Timothy W Collins 3

This study examines instances of negative mentoring among undergraduate researchers within STEM education, and specifically, the common yet subtle issue of inadequate mentoring characterized by a faculty mentor's failure to provide their mentee with adequate research, educational, career-related, or emotional support. Using data from the Mentor-Relate survey of 514 participants in the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates program, we identify prevalent patterns of inadequate mentoring and examine protective factors against it. Results indicate that inadequate research support is the least prevalent form, while inadequate educational and career guidance is more common, and inadequate emotional support is the most prevalent. Enhanced faculty mentoring skills emerge as a protective factor, with culturally responsive mentoring and gender concordance also playing significant protective roles. Less hierarchical mentoring structures, such as multiple faculty mentors, offer better emotional support. These findings underscore the importance of comprehensive mentor training and culturally sensitive practices to mitigate inadequate mentoring in undergraduate research experiences. By promoting inclusive and supportive mentoring environments, institutions can maximize the transformative potential of undergraduate research experiences for all participants.



本研究探讨了 STEM 教育中本科生研究人员中负面指导的实例,特别是指导不足的常见但微妙的问题,其特点是教师导师未能为其受训者提供足够的研究、教育、职业相关或情感支持。利用对美国国家科学基金会本科生研究经验项目的 514 名参与者进行的导师相关调查的数据,我们确定了指导不足的普遍模式,并检查了针对这种情况的保护因素。结果表明,研究支持不足是最不普遍的形式,而教育和职业指导不足则更为常见,而情感支持不足则是最普遍的形式。增强的教师指导技能成为一个保护因素,文化响应指导和性别一致性也发挥着重要的保护作用。层级较少的指导结构,例如多名教师导师,可以提供更好的情感支持。这些发现强调了全面的导师培训和文化敏感实践的重要性,以缓解本科生研究经验中指导不足的问题。通过促进包容性和支持性的指导环境,机构可以最大限度地发挥所有参与者本科生研究经验的变革潜力。