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Social science Eurocentrism in the land of universalism: An introduction to French blindness
Sociology Compass ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-20 , DOI: 10.1111/soc4.13253
Stéphane Dufoix 1

From the late 18th century onwards, France has delivered a universalistic discourse about politics, society, rights and also science. The emergence of social science largely confirmed this trend. Nowadays the growing challenging of Eurocentrism that has become more and more visible since the early 1990s remains most often untranslated, untaught, uninvestigated and undebated. The disciplinary structure of the university as well as the lingering isolationism of French social science accounts for part of this situation, the latter requires some further explanations. If some opening has recently been visible in the field of gender, race and discriminations, it has usually meant a greater influence of some—White or Black—American anthropologists, sociologist or philosophers, but hardly ever of non‐Western thinkers. The very issue of a social science canon is not even raised. The main reason for this is the weight of French neo‐republicanism as it was born in the early 1990s at the very same time when anti‐Eurocentric alternatives discourses became more widely heard. It results in a persistent denial of these discourses as being scientific and a widespread ignorance of them in the academic field.


社会科学 普世主义土地上的欧洲中心主义:法国盲目性简介

从 18 世纪末开始,法国就政治、社会、权利和科学发表了普遍主义话语。社会科学的出现很大程度上证实了这一趋势。如今,自 20 世纪 90 年代初以来,欧洲中心主义日益严峻的挑战变得越来越明显,但这种挑战仍然常常未被翻译、未被教导、未被调查和未被争论。大学的学科结构以及法国社会科学挥之不去的孤立主义是造成这种情况的部分原因,后者需要进一步解释。如果最近在性别、种族和歧视领域出现了一些明显的开放,那通常意味着一些美国白人或黑人人类学家、社会学家或哲学家的影响力更大,但非西方思想家的影响力却很少。社会科学经典的问题甚至没有被提出。造成这种情况的主要原因是法国新共和主义的影响力,因为它诞生于20世纪90年代初,与此同时,反欧洲中心主义的另类话语也被广泛听到。它导致人们持续否认这些论述的科学性,并在学术领域普遍忽视它们。