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Latitude-dependent oxygen fugacity in arc magmas
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50337-6
Fangyang Hu 1 , Hehe Jiang 1 , Bo Wan 1 , Mihai N Ducea 2, 3 , Lei Gao 4 , Fu-Yuan Wu 1, 5

The redox state of arc mantle has been considered to be more oxidized and diverse than that of the mid-ocean ridge, but the cause of the variation is debated. We examine the redox state of the Cenozoic global arc mantle by compiling measured/calculated fO2 of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from arc magma and modeled fO2 based on V/Sc and Cu/Zr ratios of arc basaltic rocks. The results indicate that the redox state of Cenozoic arc mantle is latitude dependent, with less oxidized arc mantle in the low latitudes, contrasting with a near constant across-latitude trend in the mid-ocean ridges. We propose that such a latitude-dependent pattern in the arc mantle may be controlled by the variation in the redox state of subducted sediment, possibly related to a latitudinal variation in the primary production of phytoplankton, which results in more organic carbon and sulfide deposited on the low-latitude ocean floor. Our findings provide evidence for the impact of the surface environment on Earth’s upper mantle.



弧地幔的氧化还原状态被认为比大洋中脊的氧化还原状态更加氧化和多样化,但这种变化的原因存在争议。我们通过编制来自弧岩浆的橄榄石熔体包裹体的测量/计算的f O 2来检查新生代全球弧地幔的氧化还原状态,并根据弧玄武岩的 V/Sc 和 Cu/Zr 比率对f O 2进行建模。结果表明,新生代弧地幔的氧化还原状态与纬度有关,低纬度地区弧地幔的氧化程度较低,与洋中脊几乎恒定的跨纬度趋势形成鲜明对比。我们认为,弧地幔中这种依赖纬度的模式可能是由俯冲沉积物氧化还原状态的变化控制的,这可能与浮游植物初级生产的纬度变化有关,这导致更多的有机碳和硫化物沉积在弧地幔上。低纬度海底。我们的发现为地表环境对地球上地幔的影响提供了证据。
