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Design and Optimization for AlGaN-Based Deep Ultraviolet Fabry–Perot Laser Diodes
Advanced Electronic Materials ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-19 , DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202400247
Jianyu Yang 1 , Kangkai Tian 2 , Chunshuang Chu 2 , Yonghui Zhang 1 , Ke Jiang 3 , Xiaojuan Sun 3 , Dabing Li 3 , Xiao Wei Sun 4 , Zi‐Hui Zhang 1, 2

In this work, AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet Fabry–Perot (FP) laser diodes (DUV LDs) are designed by using Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulations, and the physical models for DUV LDs are also developed. It is found that the optical absorption in the p-region significantly increases the optical loss and reduces the laser power. Hence, properly increasing the Al composition for the p-waveguide (p-WG) and the p-type cladding layer (CL) helps shift the optical field to the n-region, which is effective in decreasing the free-carrier absorption in the p-region. However, if not properly optimized, this will decrease the optical confinement factor, which will decrease the stimulated recombination rate between electrons and holes. Then, the electron leakage becomes significant. The studies show that the p-electron blocking layer (p-EBL) will not strongly affect the optical field profiles. Hence, the Al composition in the p-EBL has more freedom for electrical optimization. Therefore, a compromised design is required so that both the optical and the electrical properties can be improved.


基于 AlGaN 的深紫外法布里-珀罗半导体激光管的设计与优化

在这项工作中,利用技术计算机辅助设计 (TCAD) 仿真设计了基于 AlGaN 的深紫外法布里-珀罗 (FP) 半导体激光管 (DUV LDs),并开发了 DUV LDs 的物理模型。研究发现,p 区的光吸收显著增加了光损耗,降低了激光功率。因此,适当增加 p 波导 (p-WG) 和 p 型熔覆层 (CL) 的 Al 组成有助于将光场转移到 n 区,从而有效减少 p 区的自由载流子吸收。然而,如果优化不当,这将降低光学限制因子,从而降低电子和空穴之间的受激发复合速率。然后,电子泄漏变得很大。研究表明,p-电子阻挡层 (p-EBL) 不会对光场分布产生强烈影响。因此,p-EBL 中的 Al 成分在电气优化方面具有更大的自由度。因此,需要一个折衷的设计,以便可以改善光学和电气性能。