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Online Harassment: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Thoughtfully Reflective Decision-Making
Social Science Computer Review ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-20 , DOI: 10.1177/08944393241261983
C. Jordan Howell 1 , Saeed Kabiri 2 , Fangzhou Wang 3 , Caitlyn N. Muniz 4 , Eden Kamar 5 , Mahmoud Sharepour 6 , John Cochran 1 , Seyyedeh Masoomeh (Shamila) Shadmanfaat 7

The current study employs a construct from the criminological literature, thoughtfully reflective decision-making (TRDM), to understand cyber offenders’ decision-making and offer relevant insights to prevent online harassment. Using a sample of Iranian high school students ( N = 366), we employ OLS and SEM to test whether and how TRDM, perceived deterrence, and prior victimization influence the most common forms of online harassment: cyberbullying and cyberstalking. Findings demonstrate cyberbullying and cyberstalking victimization increase engagement in offending behavior while participants’ fear of sanction reduces engagement in both cyberbullying and cyberstalking perpetration. Notably, results demonstrate that TRDM has a direct, mediating, and moderating effect on both forms of offending. TRDM also has an indirect effect on cyberbullying and cyberstalking perpetration through victimization and participants’ perceptions of sanction. Unlike contemporary, pre-dispositional theories of crime, TRDM is dynamic and can be improved via educational programming. We posit that current cyber hygiene campaigns should include elements aimed to improve individuals’ cognitive decision-making capabilities. Guided by theory, and based on the results of the current study, this translational approach could prevent victimization while simultaneously improving other elements of the participants’ life.



当前的研究采用犯罪学文献中的结构,即深思熟虑的反思决策(TRDM),来了解网络犯罪者的决策并提供相关见解以防止网络骚扰。我们使用伊朗高中生样本 (N = 366),采用 OLS 和 SEM 来测试 TRDM、感知威慑和先前受害是否以及如何影响最常见的网络骚扰形式:网络欺凌和网络跟踪。调查结果表明,网络欺凌和网络跟踪受害会增加犯罪行为的参与度,而参与者对制裁的恐惧会减少对网络欺凌和网络跟踪犯罪行为的参与度。值得注意的是,结果表明 TRDM 对这两种形式的犯罪​​都有直接、中介和调节作用。 TRDM 还通过受害和参与者对制裁的看法对网络欺凌和网络跟踪行为产生间接影响。与当代的犯罪倾向理论不同,TRDM 是动态的,可以通过教育规划进行改进。我们认为当前的网络卫生活动应包括旨在提高个人认知决策能力的要素。以理论为指导,并基于当前研究的结果,这种转化方法可以防止受害,同时改善参与者生活的其他方面。