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Outcomes of patients with alcohol-associated hepatitis and acute kidney injury – Results from the HRS Harmony Consortium
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-15 , DOI: 10.1111/apt.18159
Ann T Ma 1 , Andrew S Allegretti 2 , Giuseppe Cullaro 3 , Tianqui Ouyang 2 , Sumeet K Asrani 4 , Raymond T Chung 5 , Eric M Przybyszewski 5 , Robert M Wilechansky 5 , Jevon E Robinson 2 , Pratima Sharma 6 , Douglas A Simonetto 7 , Prasun Jalal 8 , Eric S Orman 9 , Hani M Wadei 10 , Shelsea A St Hillien 2 , Danielle Saly 2 , Nneka N Ufere 5 , Leigh Anne Dageforde 11 , Kevin R Regner 12 , Justin M Belcher 13, 14 , Kavish R Patidar 8, 15 ,

The development of acute kidney injury (AKI) in the setting of alcohol-associated hepatitis (AH) portends a poor prognosis. Whether the presence of AH itself drives worse outcomes in patients with cirrhosis and AKI is unknown.


酒精相关性肝炎和急性肾损伤患者的结果——来自 HRS Harmony Consortium 的结果

酒精相关性肝炎(AH)背景下发生的急性肾损伤(AKI)预示着预后不良。 AH 本身的存在是否会导致肝硬化和 AKI 患者的预后更差尚不清楚。