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Infrared Radiation in the Thermosphere From 2002 to 2023
Geophysical Research Letters ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1029/2024gl109470
Martin G. Mlynczak 1 , Linda Hunt 2 , Nabil Nowak 3 , B. Thomas Marshall 4 , Christopher J. Mertens 1

Twenty-two years (2002–2023) of infrared radiative cooling rate data derived from the SABER instrument on the NASA TIMED satellite are presented. Global daily and global annual infrared power (Watts, W) emitted by nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) illustrate the variability of the geospace environment on timescales from days to decades. The 11-year solar cycle (SC) is evident in the global power data and in vertical profiles of infrared cooling rates (nW/m3). The global annual power radiated by NO and CO2 are larger in 2023 than at any time since 2003 and 2002, respectively. The to-date peak in NO infrared power in SC 25 is larger than in SC 24, is comparable to SC 20, but is less than in SCs 18–19 and 21–23. Two geomagnetic storms in 2023 radiated more than 1 TW and are in the top 10 strongest storms observed by SABER.


2002 年至 2023 年热层中的红外辐射

介绍了从 NASA TIMED 卫星上的 SABRE 仪器获得的二十二年(2002-2023)红外辐射冷却速率数据。一氧化氮 (NO) 和二氧化碳 (CO 2 ) 排放的全球每日和全球每年红外功率(瓦特,W)说明了地球空间环境在几天到几十年的时间尺度上的变化。 11 年太阳周期 (SC) 在全球电力数据和红外冷却速率 (nW/m 3 ) 的垂直剖面中很明显。 2023 年 NO 和 CO 2 的全球年辐射功率分别比 2003 年和 2002 年以来的任何时候都要大。 SC 25 中 NO 红外功率的迄今为止峰值大于 SC 24,与 SC 20 相当,但小于 SC 18-19 和 21-23。 2023 年有两次地磁风暴辐射强度超过 1 TW,位列 SABRE 观测到的前 10 强风暴之列。