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Predicting Mean Flow Through an Array of Cylinders
Geophysical Research Letters ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1029/2024gl110164
F. He 1 , S. Draper 1, 2 , M. Ghisalberti 1, 2 , H. An 1 , P. Branson 2, 3

The present paper develops a new framework to predict the mean flow through an array of cylinders in which the flow around the array (array-scale) and the flow around individual cylinders (element-scale) are modeled separately using actuator disc theory and empirical drag models respectively, and then coupled through the net drag force. Applying this framework only requires knowledge of the array geometry and incident flow. The framework is validated using high-fidelity direct numerical simulations for arrays of between 7 and 109 cylinders having different arrangements (staggered, concentric, random) and bounding shapes (circular, square) in both two- and three-dimensional flows. In general, the framework outperforms existing models which require calibration and are only valid for part of the practical parameter space. The demonstrated scale separation suggests different combinations of element-scale and array-scale models/theories may be used for other arrangements of bluff bodies.



本文开发了一个新的框架来预测通过气缸阵列的平均流量,其中使用致动器盘理论和经验阻力分别对阵列周围的流量(阵列尺度)和单个气缸周围的流量(元素尺度)进行建模分别模型,然后通过净阻力进行耦合。应用该框架只需要了解阵列几何形状和入射流。该框架使用高保真度直接数值模拟对二维和三维流中具有不同排列(交错、同心、随机)和边界形状(圆形、方形)的 7 至 109 个圆柱体阵列进行验证。总的来说,该框架优于需要校准且仅对部分实际参数空间有效的现有模型。所展示的尺度分离表明单元尺度和阵列尺度模型/理论的不同组合可用于钝体的其他布置。