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Remittance as reactive transnationalism: The role of perceived unfairness among immigrants in South Korea
International Migration ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 , DOI: 10.1111/imig.13302
Nari Yoo 1 , Sou Hyun Jang 2

Despite numerous studies on the economic transnational connections of immigrants, focusing mainly on remittances to their home countries, the remittance behaviours and related factors of immigrants in South Korea, a country experiencing increased racial and ethnic diversity, remain relatively understudied. Applying a resource‐dependent and reactive transnationalism framework, this study examines the associations between assimilation, human capital, and immigrants' remittance behaviours. Additionally, we investigate whether perceived unfairness moderates these relationships, reflecting reactive transnationalism. Utilizing data from a 2021 Survey on Immigrants' Living Conditions and Labor Force (N = 7981), we delve into various remitting behaviours, including remittance frequency, the share of monthly remittances in expenditures, and the total remittance amount. The independent variables include assimilation indicators (length of stay in Korea and intention to remain), human capital factors (education and income) and perceived unfairness in the workplace. Ordinary least squares and logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine these relationships. Our findings support both linear and resource‐dependent transnationalism: assimilation and human capital levels are associated with immigrants' remittance behaviours. However, the interaction between perceived unfairness and reactive transnationalism was observed specifically for human capital, indicating that immigrants with higher human capital are more responsive to unfairness and discrimination. As a result, they may want to increase their self‐esteem by sending money back to their home country. This study not only contributes to understanding immigrant remittance behaviours in South Korea but also highlights the conceptual significance of examining remittance behaviours through reactive transnationalism, particularly the critical role of perceived unfairness among highly skilled immigrants.



尽管有大量关于移民跨国经济联系的研究,主要集中在向其祖国的汇款,但韩国这个种族和民族多样性日益增加的国家,移民的汇款行为和相关因素仍然相对不足。本研究应用资源依赖型和反应性跨国主义框架,探讨同化、人力资本和移民汇款行为之间的关联。此外,我们还调查了感知到的不公平是否会缓和这些关系,从而反映反应性跨国主义。利用2021年移民生活条件和劳动力调查(N = 7981)的数据,我们深入研究了各种汇款行为,包括汇款频率、每月汇款占支出的比例以及汇款总额。自变量包括同化指标(在韩国停留的时间和留在韩国的意愿)、人力资本因素(教育和收入)以及感知到的工作场所不公平现象。进行普通最小二乘法和逻辑回归分析来检查这些关系。我们的研究结果支持线性跨国主义和资源依赖型跨国主义:同化和人力资本水平与移民的汇款行为相关。然而,在人力资本方面观察到感知的不公平与反应性跨国主义之间的相互作用,这表明人力资本较高的移民对不公平和歧视更敏感。因此,他们可能想通过将钱寄回祖国来增加自尊。 这项研究不仅有助于理解韩国的移民汇款行为,而且还强调了通过反应性跨国主义审查汇款行为的概念意义,特别是高技术移民中感知到的不公平现象的关键作用。