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Practitioner Review: Continuity of mental health care from childhood to adulthood for youths with ADHD – who, how and when?
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 , DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.14036
Nicoletta Adamo 1 , Swaran P Singh 2, 3 , Sven Bölte 4, 5, 6 , David Coghill 7 , Jeffrey H Newcorn 8 , Valeria Parlatini 1 , Diane Purper-Ouakil 9, 10 , Juliane Rausch 11 , Luis Rohde 12, 13, 14 , Paramala Santosh 1, 15, 16 , Tobias Banaschewski 11 , Jan K Buitelaar 17, 18

Many youths with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience significant long‐term impairment and may develop concurrent mental and somatic health difficulties as adults. This is associated with burden and costs for the individual and society which could be prevented through continued support in youth. Yet, only few young people transition to adult mental health services for ongoing care in different countries worldwide. We provide an overview on current transition practices, highlighting the gaps in knowledge and the barriers to effective service transitioning, while considering the large geographical variation in available guidelines and service provision. For ease of use, this review is organized in a question‐and‐answer format covering different aspects of the transition process and considering both service users' and clinicians' perspectives. Consensus is needed to identify those that require continued care, the optimal timing to arrange transition, and the most suitable services. Finally, we discuss cost‐effectiveness of transition practices, consider examples of best practice, and propose recommendations on how to improve transitional care, including the importance of service users' input into transition planning.


