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Songs that made men leave: migration, imagination, and media in late twentieth‐century Mali
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.14199
Aïssatou Mbodj‐Pouye 1

Throughout the twentieth century, in the Soninke‐speaking area of West Africa, women sang to praise migrants and mock immobile men, before such songs were abandoned at the beginning of the twenty‐first century. These songs have commonly been read as reinforcing a normative order of migration whereby migration functioned as proof of manhood. The study of an original corpus, collected by a radio station since the 1980s, makes it possible to reconsider these songs as imaginative devices allowing women to take various stances on male migration, through their performance as much as in the metadiscourse on migration conveyed by stories about these songs. Calling for a finer attention to texts in the burgeoning scholarship on migration and imagination, the study of the ‘non‐migrant song’, and of its abrupt end, inscribes the imaginative processes about migration and gender roles in a long history that pre‐dates the tightening of borders and the global circulation of images. It highlights the analytical potential of studying textual engagements with technology to enrich the understanding of imagination processes in migration contexts.



整个二十世纪,在西非的索宁克语地区,妇女们唱歌赞美移民并嘲笑不动的男人,直到二十一世纪初这些歌曲被放弃。这些歌曲通常被解读为强化了移民的规范秩序,从而使移民成为男子气概的证明。对一家广播电台自 20 世纪 80 年代以来收集的原始语料库的研究,使我们有可能重新考虑这些歌曲作为富有想象力的手段,让女性通过她们的表演以及故事传达的关于移民的元话语对男性移民采取不同的立场关于这些歌曲。对“非移民之歌”的研究及其突然结束,呼吁人们更加关注新兴的移民和想象学术中的文本,将有关移民和性别角色的想象过程铭刻在很久以前的历史中。边界的收紧和图像的全球流通。它强调了研究文本与技术的互动的分析潜力,以丰富对移民背景下想象过程的理解。