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Ultrasonography Findings in Ovarian Hemangiomas: Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature
Reproductive Sciences ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s43032-024-01656-y
Yue Qi 1 , Lianting Zhuang 1 , Tiantong Zhu 1

Ovarian hemangioma is a rare ovarian tumor. The imaging manifestations were rarely mentioned in previous literatures. One of the patients came to hospital with the complaints of an elevation of CA125. Another two patients found a mass in adnexa area accidentally. The oophorectomy procedures were performed and the pathological results of ovarian hemangioma were concluded. We summarized the ultrasound features of three cases retrospectively, of which could provide more information before operation to guide a management direction. A well-defined, regular-shape solid mass in ovary could be considered the possibility of hemangioma, especially when a richly vascularized tumor with prominent blood flow is detected on color Doppler sonography.



卵巢血管瘤是一种罕见的卵巢肿瘤。以往文献中很少提及其影像学表现。其中一名患者因 CA125 升高而入院。另外两名患者意外发现附件区有肿块。行卵巢切除术并得出卵巢血管瘤的病理结果。我们回顾性总结了3例病例的超声特点,为术前指导治疗方向提供更多信息。卵巢内边界清晰、形状规则的实性肿块可考虑血管瘤的可能性,特别是当彩色多普​​勒超声检查发现血管丰富、血流明显的肿瘤时。
