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Gapped boundary of (4+1)d beyond-cohomology bosonic SPT phase
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-19 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.045137
Xinping Yang 1 , Meng Cheng 1

In this paper we study gapped boundary states of ZN bosonic symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases in (4+1)d, which are characterized by mixed ZN-gravity response, and the closely related phases protected by CN rotation symmetry. We show that if N{2,4,8,16}, any symmetry-preserving boundary theory is necessarily gapless for the root SPT state. We then propose a (3+1)d Z2 gauge theory coupled to fermionic matter as a candidate boundary theory for N=2,4,8,16, where the anomalous symmetry is implemented by invertible topological defects obtained from gauging (2+1)d chiral topological superconductors. For the CN case, we present an explicit construction for the boundary states for N=2,4,8,16, and argue that the construction fails for other values of N.



在本文中,我们研究了 (4+1)d 中 ZN 玻色对称保护拓扑 (SPT) 相的有隙边界态,其特征是混合 ZN 重力响应,并且受 CN 旋转对称性保护的密切相关相。我们证明,如果 N{2,4,8,16} ,任何保对称边界理论对于根 SPT 状态都必然是无间隙的。然后,我们提出了与费米子物质耦合的 (3+1)d Z2 规范理论作为 N=2,4,8,16 的候选边界理论,其中反常对称性是通过测量获得的可逆拓扑缺陷来实现的(2+1)d 手性拓扑超导体。对于 CN 情况,我们提出了 N=2,4,8,16 边界状态的显式构造,并认为对于 N 的其他值,该构造失败。