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Surface-induced odd-frequency spin-triplet superconductivity as a veritable signature of Majorana bound states
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-19 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.045432
Subhajit Pal 1, 2 , Colin Benjamin 1, 2

We predict surface induced odd-frequency (odd-ν) spin-triplet superconducting pairing can be a veritable signature of Majorana bound states (MBS) in a Josephson nodal p-wave superconductor (px)-spin flipper (SF)-nodal p-wave superconductor (px) junction. Remarkably, in a px-SF-px Josephson junction three distinct phases emerge: the topological phase featuring MBS, the topological phase without MBS, and the trivial phase devoid of MBS. Surface odd-ν spin-triplet pairing is induced only in the topological regime when MBS appears. In contrast, surface induced even-frequency (even-ν) spin-triplet pairing is finite regardless of the existence of MBS. Importantly, we find the surface induced odd-ν spin-triplet pairing is immune to disorder in the topological phase featuring MBS, while in the trivial phase the surface induced even-ν spin-triplet pairing is affected by disorder. Our study offers a potential means for distinguishing the topological phase featuring MBS from both the trivial phase as well as the topological phase devoid of MBS, primarily through the observation of induced surface odd-ν spin-triplet superconductivity.



我们预测表面感应奇频(奇数 ν )自旋三重态超导配对可能是约瑟夫森节点 p 波超导体中马约拉纳束缚态(MBS)的名副其实的特征( px )-自旋鳍(SF)-节点 p -波超导体( px )结。值得注意的是,在 px -SF- px 约瑟夫森结中出现了三个不同的相:具有 MBS 的拓扑相、没有 MBS 的拓扑相以及没有 MBS 的平凡相。当MBS出现时,表面奇数- ν 自旋三重态配对仅在拓扑状态中被诱导。相比之下,无论 MBS 是否存在,表面诱导的偶数频率(偶数 ν )自旋三重态配对都是有限的。重要的是,我们发现表面诱导的奇- ν 自旋三重态配对在以MBS为特征的拓扑相中不受无序影响,而在平凡相中表面诱导的偶- ν 自旋-三联体配对受到紊乱的影响。我们的研究提供了一种潜在的方法,主要通过观察诱导表面奇数 ν 自旋三重态超导性,将具有MBS的拓扑相与普通相以及不含MBS的拓扑相区分开来。