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Buzdin, Shapiro, and chimera steps in φ0 Josephson junctions. II. Bifurcation, switching, and hysteresis
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.024510
M. Nashaat 1, 2 , E. Kovalenko 3 , Yu. M. Shukrinov 1, 4, 5

The dynamics of magnetization and current-voltage characteristics of the superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor φ0 Josephson junction in the presence of external electromagnetic radiation have been studied. Effects of the electric and magnetic components of radiation on the magnetic precession in the ferromagnetic layer are investigated. The implementation of two types of dynamical states of magnetization is demonstrated. These states have a phase shift of π in the synchronization region of magnetic precession and Josephson oscillations and differ in the nature of their time dependence. Transitions between these states with increasing and decreasing bias current show hysteresis, which is reflected in the bifurcation diagram and as spikes in the current-voltage characteristics. We also provide an experimental way to test the obtained results by measuring the phase shift in voltage temporal dependence at fixed current value for both sweeping directions. The results obtained can find application in various fields of superconducting spintronics and quantum computing.


φ0 约瑟夫森结中的 Buzdin、Shapiro 和 chimera 步骤。二.分叉、切换和迟滞

研究了超导体-铁磁体-超导体 φ0 约瑟夫森结在外部电磁辐射下的磁化动力学和电流-电压特性。研究了辐射的电和磁分量对铁磁层中磁进动的影响。演示了两种磁化动态状态的实现。这些状态在磁进动和约瑟夫森振荡的同步区域中具有 π 相移,并且其时间依赖性的性质不同。随着偏置电流的增加和减少,这些状态之间的转变会表现出滞后现象,这反映在分叉图中并表现为电流-电压特性中的尖峰。我们还提供了一种实验方法,通过测量两个扫描方向固定电流值下电压时间依赖性的相移来测试所获得的结果。获得的结果可以在超导自旋电子学和量子计算的各个领域得到应用。