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Tunneling chirality Hall effect in type-I Weyl semimetals
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.024511
W. Zeng 1

We propose a tilt-assisted tunneling chirality Hall effect in the normal metal-superconductor (NS) junctions based on the time-reversal-broken type-I Weyl semimetals. It is found that the chirality-dependent skew reflection occurs at the NS interface due to the tilt of the Weyl cones, which is responsible for the nonzero transverse chirality Hall currents. Distinct from the Hall effect induced by the Berry curvature, we further illustrate that the transverse chirality current here is determined by the symmetry of the tilted Weyl Hamiltonian. Specifically, both the transverse chirality Hall current and the transverse charge Hall current may occur when the tilt of the Weyl cones break the mirror symmetry (M) of the Weyl Hamiltonian. However, a pure transverse chirality Hall current with zero net charge is present when the tilt breaks M symmetry but preserves the combined MC symmetry, where C represents the Z2 exchange symmetry.


I 型外尔半金属中的隧道手性霍尔效应

我们提出了基于时间反转断裂的 I 型 Weyl 半金属的普通金属-超导体(NS)结中的倾斜辅助隧道手性霍尔效应。研究发现,由于外尔锥体的倾斜,NS 界面处发生了手性相关的倾斜反射,这导致了非零横向手性霍尔电流。与贝里曲率引起的霍尔效应不同,我们进一步说明这里的横向手性电流是由倾斜的韦尔哈密顿量的对称性决定的。具体而言,当Weyl锥体的倾斜打破Weyl哈密顿量的镜像对称 (M) 时,横向手性霍尔电流和横向电荷霍尔电流都可能发生。然而,当倾斜破坏 M 对称性但保留组合 MC 对称性时,会出现净电荷为零的纯横向手性霍尔电流,其中 C 表示 < b4>交换对称性。