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The Discourse of Digital Activism: A Linguistic Analysis of Calls for Action Concerning the Fashion Revolution
Applied Linguistics ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1093/applin/amae046
Barbara De Cock 1 , Laetitia Aulit 1 , Sara Cigada 2 , Sara Greco 3 , Ewa Modrzejewska 4 , Rudi Palmieri 5

In this study, we analyze the calls for action in a corpus of tweets with the hashtag #FashionRevolution, related to the 2020 Fashion Revolution week. We offer a linguistic analysis of the discourse of digital activism, relying on insights from pragmatics, discourse analysis, and argumentation. Our analysis focuses on the calls for action concerning the move towards a more sustainable fashion system, issued by account owners that do not have any impositive force on their audience. This leads us to showing that a variety of actors call for action through an imperative but also through other deontic structures. However, those responsible for carrying out the actions towards a fashion revolution are often left vague, in line with overall campaigning strategies. The motive for the call for action, crucial to convince, appears sometimes in an argument and/or through a reference to social or environmental sustainability. Through this case study, we then contribute to the linguistic analysis of digital activism, and to a better understanding of the challenges of bringing about behavioral change from a non-impositive position.



在这项研究中,我们分析了与 2020 年时尚革命周相关的带有#FashionRevolution 标签的推文语料库中的行动呼吁。我们依靠语用学、话语分析和论证的见解,对数字行动主义话语进行语言分析。我们的分析重点是呼吁采取行动,向更可持续的时尚体系迈进,这些呼吁是由对受众没有任何影响力的账户所有者发出的。这使我们表明,各种行为者通过命令以及其他道义结构呼吁采取行动。然而,那些负责实施时尚革命行动的人往往含糊其辞,以符合总体竞选策略。呼吁采取行动的动机对于说服至关重要,有时会出现在争论中和/或通过提及社会或环境可持续性。通过这个案例研究,我们有助于对数字行动主义的语言分析,并更好地理解从非强制立场带来行为改变的挑战。