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A community effort to track commercial single-cell and spatial ’omic technologies and business trends
Nature Biotechnology ( IF 33.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41587-024-02305-0
Joachim De Jonghe 1 , James W Opzoomer 2, 3 , Amaia Vilas-Zornoza 3 , Peter Crane 4 , Benedikt S Nilges 5 , Marco Vicari 6 , Hower Lee 7, 8 , David Lara-Astiaso 9, 10 , Torsten Gross 3 , Jörg Morf 11 , Kim Schneider 12 , Juliana Cudini 3 , Lorenzo Ramos-Mucci 3 , Dylan Mooijman 13 , Katarína Tiklová 8 , Sergio Marco Salas 7, 8 , Christoffer Mattsson Langseth 7, 8 , Nachiket D Kashikar 5 , Charles E S Roberts 3, 14 , , Joakim Lundeberg 6 , Mats Nilsson 8 , Alex K Shalek 3, 15, 16, 17 , Adam P Cribbs 4, 18, 19 , Jake P Taylor-King 3

There is an ever-growing choice of single-cell and spatial ’omics platforms for industry and academia. The scTrends Consortium provides a brief historical overview of the established platforms and companies, revealing market trends and presenting possible angles for how technologies may differentiate themselves.



工业界和学术界对单细胞和空间组学平台的选择不断增加。 scTrends 联盟提供了现有平台和公司的简要历史概述,揭示了市场趋势并提出了技术如何脱颖而出的可能角度。