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Advisors for micro-entrepreneurs: is one as good as another in accessing alternative finance?
Small Business Economics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s11187-024-00942-y
Maria Gaia Soana , Doriana Cucinelli , Beatrice Ronchini

Using a novel large database of Italian micro-entrepreneurs, we investigate how different sources of external business advice affect access to alternative finance. We distinguish three categories of external business advice: professional financial, professional non-financial, and non-professional. We also test whether financial knowledge of micro-entrepreneurs enhances their advice seeking for financial decision-making. We find that the use of alternative financial instruments increases when external business advisors are used, but some are more useful than others. Only professional financial advice is shown to increase the probability of accessing alternative finance by micro-enterprises, while non-professional and professional non-financial advice does not have the same effect. We also find that being more financially literate increases the probability that micro-entrepreneurs seek advice from highly professional sources, i.e., objective financial knowledge helps shape the quality of financial advice requested.



