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Archetypes of blockchain-based business models in enterprise networks
Information Systems and E-Business Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10257-024-00673-3
Alexander Grünewald , Tan Gürpinar , Carina Culotta , Alicia Guderian

Many enterprises are currently engaged in developing blockchain-based business models. Enterprise networks offer a variety of potential applications for blockchain solutions as they benefit from transparency and security as well as automation of handling data, material, and financial flows along their supply chains. Despite profound potentials, the indicated business models are still in their early stages and need further investigation. To provide an overview of existing blockchain-based business models in the context of enterprise networks, the underlying paper designs a multidimensional taxonomy and identifies several archetypes of blockchain-based businesses. For the taxonomy development, data from 101 blockchain start-ups serves as a basis for empirical validation. Using hierarchical clustering and the k-means method, seven archetypes that sharpen the understanding of how blockchain solutions affect business models in enterprise networks and enable new business models are derived. The proposed work results are intended to be applied in future research and practice to classify and assess the integration of blockchain solutions into existing business models and to support developing new ones that leverage emerging technological capabilities.



目前许多企业正在致力于开发基于区块链的商业模式。企业网络为区块链解决方案提供了各种潜在的应用,因为它们受益于透明度和安全性以及处理供应链上的数据、材料和财务流的自动化。尽管潜力巨大,但所指出的商业模式仍处于早期阶段,需要进一步研究。为了概述企业网络背景下现有的基于区块链的业务模型,本文设计了多维分类法并确定了基于区块链的业务的几种原型。对于分类法的开发,来自 101 家区块链初创企业的数据作为实证验证的基础。使用分层聚类和 k 均值方法,得出了七个原型,加深了对区块链解决方案如何影响企业网络中的业务模型并启用新业务模型的理解。拟议的工作结果旨在应用于未来的研究和实践,以对区块链解决方案与现有业务模型的集成进行分类和评估,并支持开发利用新兴技术能力的新解决方案。
