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Naval Engineering Pioneer Raye J. Montague (1935–2018)
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics ( IF 25.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-040124-112941
Jaye Falls 1

Raye Jean Montague (1935–2018) was a computer programmer and self-taught engineer who was at the forefront of modernizing naval architecture and naval engineering through the use of computer-aided design. In this biographical review, she is referred to as Montague, the surname she had for much of her professional life. Since she was a working engineer rather than a scholar, she did not create a publication record by which her achievements can be easily tracked, but her name appears in committee memberships, conference and working group proceedings, and other such interstices of computer-aided ship design. This key contributor to computer-aided design and manufacturing and to naval engineering is well worth getting to know.


海军工程先驱 Raye J. Montague (1935–2018)

Raye Jean Montague(1935-2018)是一名计算机程序员和自学成才的工程师,通过使用计算机辅助设计,他处于海军建筑和海军工程现代化的前沿。在这篇传记评论中,她被称为蒙塔古(Montague),这是她在职业生涯的大部分时间里使用的姓氏。由于她是一名在职工程师而不是学者,因此她没有创建可以轻松追踪其成就的出版记录,但她的名字出现在委员会成员资格、会议和工作组会议记录以及计算机辅助船舶的其他此类间隙中设计。这位计算机辅助设计和制造以及海军工程的关键贡献者非常值得了解。