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The Nature of the Beast: Wildlife Valuation from the Iconic to the Ordinary
Annual Review of Resource Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-resource-101623-093149
Lynne Lewis 1 , Jennifer Raynor 2 , Leslie Richardson 3

Wildlife species generate significant economic value through recreational opportunities, ecosystem services, and their existence and preservation for future generations. Policymaker decisions about fish and wildlife conservation, population management, hunting and fishing limits, and damage assessments all rely to some extent on nonmarket valuation estimates of the species in question. Focusing on individual species, we present a comprehensive review of the nonmarket valuation literature from 1990 to 2023. We quantify studies by species and synthesize the characteristics of these species. We examine why certain species or uses have been the historical focus. Finally, we offer some insights into gaps in our knowledge and directions for future research. While the wildlife valuation literature is extensive, we question the scope of coverage and speculate on the reasons for such heavy coverage of some species and limited coverage of others. Charisma, endemism, and rarity play a large role, as do species with large use values.



野生动物物种通过娱乐机会、生态系统服务及其为子孙后代的存在和保护产生巨大的经济价值。政策制定者有关鱼类和野生动物保护、人口管理、狩猎和捕捞限制以及损害评估的决定在某种程度上都依赖于有关物种的非市场估值估计。我们以单个物种为重点,对 1990 年至 2023 年的非市场估值文献进行了全面回顾。我们对按物种进行的研究进行了量化,并综合了这些物种的特征。我们研究为什么某些物种或用途一直是历史焦点。最后,我们对我们的知识差距和未来研究的方向提供了一些见解。尽管野生动物评估文献非常广泛,但我们对覆盖范围提出了质疑,并推测了某些物种覆盖范围如此之广而其他物种覆盖范围有限的原因。魅力、特有性和稀有性以及具有巨大使用价值的物种发挥着重要作用。