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Model and new imbalance thrust force method mechanical model for thrust-type soil landslides
Engineering Geology ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2024.107637
Luo Senlin , Huang Yu , Tao Zhigang , Mao Wuwei , Wang Huajin , He Manchao

The slice method used in traditional slope stability analysis has been improved, but the development of monitoring technology means that its assumption of the rigid contact condition has become inapplicable. This study considered the case of the Ya'an Baoxing landslide, which is a thrust-type soil landslide in Sichuan Province (China). First, on the basis of the Imbalanced Thrust Force Method, a mechanical model with a Kelvin body added between the slice blocks was established, and the slice block velocity formula was derived using the dynamic differential equation. Notably, this model is currently at the stage of qualitative research and more effective simplification methods are required; however, this study does promote both a new concept for the slope stability method and a new approach to landslide mechanism analysis. Comparison of model test monitoring data and the analytical results revealed that the mechanical model could effectively reflect the internal mechanical transmission law of the thrust-type soil landslide. It verified that the landslide evolution process conformed to the Saito model, and revealed that the unbalanced force of the non-disintegrated landslide, which followed the law of internal force transmission from the top to the foot of the slope, initially rose and then fell rapidly. Finally, the interaction mechanism between the ideal elastoplastic anchor cable and the slope was examined based on engineering experience. This study innovatively reinterpreted the traditional slice methods, explored and proved to a certain extent the transmission mode of internal stress in a thrust-type soil landslide, and verified the possibility of achieving high-precision monitoring and early warning of slope instability using a mechanical monitoring method.