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Correction to “Expiratory Aerosol pH: The Overlooked Driver of Airborne Virus Inactivation”
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c07050
Beiping Luo , Aline Schaub , Irina Glas , Liviana K. Klein , Shannon C. David , Nir Bluvshtein , Kalliopi Violaki , Ghislain Motos , Marie O. Pohl , Walter Hugentobler , Athanasios Nenes , Ulrich K. Krieger , Silke Stertz , Thomas Peter , Tamar Kohn

The main IAV strain used in this study was incorrectly named as A/WSN/33. It should have been named A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (typically abbreviated to A/PR8). This correction to the strain name does not change any of the outcomes or findings of the study, as A/PR8 and A/WSN/33 are both highly lab-adapted isolates of influenza A virus subtype H1N1, both with spherical virion morphology, >90% consensus in their HA protein sequences, and >96% consensus in their NP and M1 protein sequences. They also have identical fusion pH values of 5.1 (see ref (1)). The A/PR8 strain was provided by Dr. Jovan Pavlovic at the Institute of Medical Virology, UZH. The other virus strains used in this work remain unchanged. This article references 1 other publications. This article has not yet been cited by other publications.


对“呼出气溶胶 pH 值:被忽视的空气传播病毒灭活驱动因素”的修正

本研究中使用的主要 IAV 毒株被错误地命名为 A/WSN/33。它应该被命名为 A/Puerto Rico/8/34(通常缩写为 A/PR8)。对毒株名称的更正不会改变研究的任何结果或发现,因为 A/PR8 和 A/WSN/33 都是高度实验室适应的甲型流感病毒 H1N1 亚型分离株,均具有球形病毒粒子形态,> HA 蛋白序列的一致性达到 90%,NP 和 M1 蛋白序列的一致性大于 96%。它们还具有相同的融合 pH 值 5.1(参见参考文献 (1))。 A/PR8 菌株由 UZH 医学病毒学研究所的 Jovan Pavlovic 博士提供。本工作中使用的其他病毒株保持不变。本文参考了其他 1 篇出版物。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。