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Self-assembled membrane with excellent antifouling performance for enhanced treatment of petrochemical wastewater
Chemical Engineering Journal ( IF 13.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.153931
Kexuan Gao , Yu Yang , Nigel J.D. Graham , Ying Zhang , Yilin Jiang , Cheng Duan , Ao Li , Qianqian Zhang , Xiaoqiang An , Li-an Hou

The rapid development of the petrochemical industry and associated wastewater, has led to an increasing demand for membrane technologies with enhanced permeability and anti-fouling properties in order to treat the wastewater effectively. The sustainable development of appropriate high-performance membranes requires continuous interaction between engineering practice and research. Herein, based on the laminar and fouling-resistant properties of graphene oxide (GO), and employing a layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly method with stable EDA cross-linking, a new modified graphene oxide/polyvinylidene difluoride (GO/PVDF) laminar membrane was fabricated. The membrane, with a layer spacing of approximately 0.94 nm, was applied for the first time to improve the removal of low molecular weight aromatic compounds from petrochemical wastewater. The results showed that the membrane exhibits outstanding long-term stability for treating real petrochemical wastewater, with the permeate COD maintained below 50 mg/L for 445 h of continuous operation (influent COD was 178 mg/L), which complied with the China National emissionstandardsof pollutants forthe petrochemicalindustry. Irreversible fouling of the composite membrane, especially caused by monocyclic and oligocyclic aromatic compounds, was alleviated by more than 70 % compared to the pristine PVDF membrane. In addition, it was demonstrated that the cleaning method and type of chemical play a critical role in alleviating irreversible membrane fouling and minimizing the detrimental impact of chemical cleaning on the stability of the modification layer and membrane structure. The results showed that the modified membrane, with its enhanced fouling resistance, high permeability and separation performance, is well-suited as an effective treatment of petrochemical wastewater, offering great potential for widespread use in the application of industrial wastewater treatment and recycling.



石化工业及相关废水的快速发展,导致对具有增强渗透性和防污性能的膜技术的需求不断增加,以便有效地处理废水。合适的高性能膜的可持续发展需要工程实践和研究之间的持续相互作用。在此基础上,基于氧化石墨烯(GO)的层状和抗污染特性,采用稳定的EDA交联的层层(LBL)组装方法,一种新型改性氧化石墨烯/聚偏二氟乙烯(GO/PVDF) )制备了层状膜。该膜层间距约为0.94 nm,首次应用于提高石化废水中低分子量芳香族化合物的去除率。结果表明,该膜在处理真实石化废水时表现出优异的长期稳定性,连续运行445 h(进水COD为178 mg/L),产水COD始终保持在50 mg/L以下,符合国家标准。石油化学工业污染物排放标准与原始PVDF膜相比,复合膜的不可逆污染,特别是由单环和寡环芳香族化合物引起的污染,减少了70%以上。此外,研究还表明,化学清洗方法和类型对于减轻不可逆膜污染和最大限度地减少化学清洗对改性层和膜结构稳定性的不利影响起着关键作用。 结果表明,改性膜具有增强的抗污染性、高渗透性和分离性能,非常适合石化废水的有效处理,在工业废水处理和资源化应用中具有广泛的应用潜力。