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The axial biomechanics of Trigonosaurus pricei (Neosauropoda: Titanosauria) and the importance of the cervical–dorsal region to sauropod high-browser feeding strategy
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-16 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae087
Luciano S Vidal 1 , Lílian P Bergqvist 1 , Carlos R A Candeiro 2 , Kamila L N Bandeira 3 , Sandra Tavares 4 , Stephen L Brusatte 5 , Paulo V L G C Pereira 1

Trigonosaurus pricei is a small to medium-sized sauropod dinosaur (Sauropoda: Titanosauria) from the Late Cretaceous Bauru Group of Brazil that is known from a significant amount of recovered axial elements [four cervical vertebrae, 10 dorsal vertebrae, sacrum (MCT 1488-R), and 10 caudal vertebrae (MCT 1719-R)]. In this biomechanical work, we approach the hypothesis of the cartilaginous neutral pose and the range of motion of the axial series of Trigonosaurus. The results show that this sauropod could be capable of high elevation of the neck resulting from morphological adaptations of the cervicodorsal region on dorsal (D) vertebrae D2 and D3 (e.g. postzygapophyses of D2 positioned over the vertebral centrum and prezygapophyses of D3 over the anterior vertebral centrum). This implies that D2 articulates (cartilaginous neutral posture) with D3 only at a strong dorsally directed angle, resulting in a shift in the direction of the neck to a more elevated posture. Furthermore, the tail attributed to Trigonosaurus as a paratype could be oriented in the horizontal ‘direction’ and presented a sigmoidal ‘shape’. This work contributes generally to the understanding of variation in the body plan of sauropods and, more specifically, to the feeding strategy of small and medium-sized titanosaurs from semi-arid regions of Gondwana.



普吉三角龙是一种中小型蜥脚类恐龙(蜥脚类:泰坦龙),产自巴西白垩纪晚期巴乌鲁群,通过大量回收的轴向元件[4块颈椎、10块背椎、骶骨(MCT 1488-R) ) 和 10 块尾椎 (MCT 1719-R)]。在这项生物力学工作中,我们研究了三角龙的软骨中立姿势和轴向系列运动范围的假设。结果表明,这种蜥脚类恐龙可能能够高度抬高颈部,这是由于背椎 D2 和 D3 上颈背区域的形态适应(例如,D2 的后关节突位于椎体中心上方,D3 的前关节突位于前椎骨上方)。中心)。这意味着 D2 仅以强的背向角度与 D3 关节连接(软骨中立姿势),导致颈部方向转变为更高的姿势。此外,三角龙作为副型的尾巴可以定向在水平“方向”并呈现出乙状“形状”。这项工作总体上有助于了解蜥脚类动物身体结构的变化,更具体地说,有助于了解冈瓦纳半干旱地区中小型泰坦巨龙的摄食策略。