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Infographic. A systematic review of injuries in amateur and professional golfers
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-16 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108552
Thomas R Williamson 1 , Jennifer Duncan 2 , Robert S Kay 3 , Patrick G Robinson 3, 4, 5 , Andrew D Murray 4, 5, 6 , Nicholas D Clement 3, 5

Golf is an Olympic sport played by more than 100 million players of all ages in more than two-thirds of countries worldwide.1 ⇓Professional golfers have differing demographic profiles, swing mechanics (faster and increased force production) and play more than amateur golfers, so they have differing risk profiles when assessing injury epidemiology. Our systematic review and meta-analysis2 aimed to determine the prevalence and incidence of musculoskeletal injury in both amateur and professional golfers and to identify common injury sites and factors associated with injury. Musculoskeletal injury is prevalent in golf, with a …



高尔夫是一项奥林匹克运动,全世界超过三分之二的国家有超过 1 亿各个年龄段的球员参加。1 ⇓ 职业高尔夫球手的人口统计特征、挥杆技巧(更快、更强的发力)以及比业余高尔夫球手打球更多,因此,在评估伤害流行病学时,他们有不同的风险状况。我们的系统回顾和荟萃分析2旨在确定业余和职业高尔夫球手肌肉骨骼损伤的患病率和发生率,并确定常见的损伤部位和与损伤相关的因素。肌肉骨骼损伤在高尔夫运动中很普遍,...