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Assessment of the environmental impacts of the Cherenkov Telescope Array mid-sized telescope
Nature Astronomy ( IF 12.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02326-4
Gabrielle dos Santos Ilha , Marianne Boix , Jürgen Knödlseder , Philippe Garnier , Ludovic Montastruc , Pierre Jean , Giovanni Pareschi , Alexander Steiner , François Toussenel

Astronomical observatories have been identified as substantial contributors to the carbon footprint of astrophysical research. Being part of the collaboration that is currently developing the medium-sized telescopes in the Cherenkov Telescope Array, a ground-based observatory for very-high-energy γ-rays that will comprise 64 telescopes deployed on two sites, we assessed the environmental impacts of one medium-sized telescope on the northern site with a life-cycle assessment. We identified resource use and climate change as having the most significant impacts due to telescope manufacturing and energy consumption during operations. We estimate life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of 2,660 ± 274 tCO2e for the telescope, 44% of which arise from construction, 1% from on-site assembly and commissioning and 55% from operations over 30 yr. The environmental impacts could be reduced by using renewable energy during construction and operations, using fewer electronic components and metal casting and using recycled materials. We propose complementing the project requirements with environmental budgets as an effective measure for impact management and reductions.



天文台已被确定为天体物理研究碳足迹的重要贡献者。作为目前正在开发切伦科夫望远镜阵列中型望远镜的合作的一部分,切伦科夫望远镜阵列是一个地面极高能 γ 射线观测站,由部署在两个地点的 64 台望远镜组成,我们评估了以下项目对环境的影响:北部站点的一台中型望远镜,可进行生命周期评估。我们认为,由于望远镜制造和运行期间的能源消耗,资源利用和气候变化具有最重大的影响。我们估计该望远镜的生命周期温室气体排放量为 2,660 ± 274 tCO 2 e,其中 44% 来自建造,1% 来自现场组装和调试,55% 来自 30 年以上的运行。通过在施工和运营过程中使用可再生能源、减少电子元件和金属铸造以及使用回收材料,可以减少对环境的影响。我们建议用环境预算来补充项目要求,作为影响管理和减少的有效措施。
