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Gigantic triboelectric power generation overcoming acoustic energy barrier using metal-liquid coupling
Joule ( IF 38.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2024.06.016
Youngwook Chung , Jang-Mook Jeong , Joon-Ha Hwang , Young-Jun Kim , Byung-Joon Park , Daniel S. Cho , Youngmin Cho , Su-Jeong Suh , Byung-Ok Choi , Hyun-moon Park , Hong-Joon Yoon , Sang-Woo Kim

Hermetically sealed titanium (Ti) packaging provides protection for implantable medical devices, but it hinders reliable wireless power transfer to these devices. We present a miniaturized device that utilizes ultrasound-induced vibrations in Ti, mediated by liquid space, for efficient triboelectric energy harvesting. Unlike the conventional ultrasound-driven triboelectric nanogenerator, which induces contact electrification through multiple modes, the Ti-packaged device generates vibrations of the triboelectric membrane in a single mode, facilitating effective energy transfer. The incorporation of the Ti packaging leads to a significant increase in power density, up to 310% compared with the absence of it when measured under a tissue-mimicking material, and it enables long-term stability and Bluetooth communication in vivo. These findings represent the first technology that enhances power transmission characteristics through a Ti layer. We believe that this technology will accelerate the development of smaller, multifunctional, and long-lasting implantable medical devices.



密封钛 (Ti) 封装为植入式医疗设备提供保护,但它阻碍了向这些设备可靠的无线电力传输。我们提出了一种小型化装置,利用由液体空间介导的钛中超声波引起的振动,实现高效的摩擦电能量收集。与传统的超声驱动摩擦纳米发电机通过多种模式引起接触起电不同,钛封装器件以单一模式产生摩擦电膜振动,促进有效的能量传递。采用 Ti 封装后,在模拟组织材料下测量时,功率密度显着增加,与未采用 Ti 封装的功率密度相比,功率密度提高了 310%,并且能够实现长期稳定性和体内蓝牙通信。这些发现代表了第一个通过钛层增强电力传输特性的技术。我们相信这项技术将加速更小、多功能、持久的植入式医疗设备的开发。