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Simulation of non-Newtonian biopolymer extrusion and fall in the centrifugal microencapsulation process
AIChE Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-16 , DOI: 10.1002/aic.18517
Matei Badalan 1, 2 , Giovanni Ghigliotti 2 , Denis Roux 3 , Guillaume Maîtrejean 3 , Jean‐Luc Achard 1, 2 , Frédéric Bottausci 1 , Guillaume Balarac 2

We present high-fidelity numerical simulations of the centrifugal microencapsulation process, that is of interest for biomedical applications as cell therapy. We provide first a comprehensive rheological characterization of high-molecular-weight calcium alginate, a commonly used material in microencapsulation. Building upon this, we employ a fluid model that accurately replicates the relevant non-Newtonian properties of the fluid. This model is applied to numerical simulations of the first three stages of the centrifugal microencapsulation process: capillary flow, ejection from the capillary, and fall through the air. The results are successfully compared with experiments. Furthermore, this model, which can be adapted to various centrifugal microencapsulation devices, effectively elucidates the physical factors contributing to different capsule shapes that can be achieved at the end of the process. This breakthrough opens the door to precise control of capsule shapes and production rates.


