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Path integral Monte Carlo study of a doubly dipolar Bose gas
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-16 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.014513
Ratheejit Ghosh 1 , Matteo Ciardi 2, 3, 4 , Rejish Nath 1 , Fabio Cinti 2, 3, 5

By combining first-principles path integral Monte Carlo methods and mean-field techniques, we explore the properties of cylindrically trapped doubly dipolar Bose gases. We first verify the emergence of a pancake quantum droplet at low temperatures, validating previous mean-field calculations. In a regime of small doubly dipolar interactions, first-principles calculations agree with the generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Such an accordance disappears in a large interaction limit. Here the path integral Monte Carlo method estimates the strong doubly dipolar regime with accuracy. In contrast, the Gross-Pitaevskii equation does not seize quantum fluctuations in full. We also provide a complete description of the system's quantum behavior in a wide range of parameters. When the system forms a droplet, the superfluid fraction exhibits an anisotropic behavior if compared to the usual Bose gas regime. Interestingly, we observe that the transition temperature from thermal gas to droplet is higher than that of the thermal gas to a Bose-Einstein condensate, indicating the robustness of the droplet against thermal fluctuations. Further, we investigate the anisotropic behavior of the superfluid fraction during the structural transition from a pancake to a cigar-shaped droplet by varying the ratio between electric and magnetic dipole interaction strengths. Our findings furnish evidence that the stability of doubly dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates can be detected in experiments by means of dysprosium atoms.



通过结合第一原理路径积分蒙特卡罗方法和平均场技术,我们探索了圆柱俘获双偶极玻色气体的性质。我们首先验证了低温下煎饼量子液滴的出现,验证了之前的平均场计算。在小型双偶极相互作用的情况下,第一性原理计算与广义 Gross-Pitaevskii 方程一致。这种一致性在大的相互作用极限中消失。这里,路径积分蒙特卡罗方法准确地估计了强双偶极状态。相比之下,格罗斯-皮塔耶夫斯基方程并没有完全抓住量子涨落。我们还提供了系统在各种参数下的量子行为的完整描述。当系统形成液滴时,与通常的玻色气体状态相比,超流体部分表现出各向异性行为。有趣的是,我们观察到从热气体到液滴的转变温度高于热气体到玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态的转变温度,这表明液滴对热波动的鲁棒性。此外,我们通过改变电偶极子相互作用强度和磁偶极子相互作用强度之间的比率来研究超流体部分在从煎饼到雪茄形液滴的结构转变过程中的各向异性行为。我们的研究结果提供了证据,证明双偶极玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的稳定性可以在实验中通过镝原子来检测。