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Decoupling the influences of chiral damping and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in chiral magnetic domain walls
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-16 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.024420
Collins Ashu Akosa 1, 2, 3 , Gen Tatara 2 , Aurélien Manchon 4 , Masahito Mochizuki 1

We revisit the nature and impact of both the chiral damping (CD) and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in uniaxial chiral ferromagnetic nanowires with broken inversion symmetry. We propose that CD, akin to its chiral energy counterpart (DMI), can be described in terms of the Lifshitz invariants permissible by the underlying symmetry of the system. This representation offers a clearer foundation for integrating CD into the dynamics of various chiral magnetic textures. We theoretically investigate the current-induced motion of chiral domain walls (DWs), driven by both spin-transfer torque and the spin Hall effect in the presence of CD. We demonstrate that it is possible to unambiguously separate the influence of CD from that of DMI by analyzing the current-induced dynamics. In particular, below the Walker breakdown (WB), the DMI does not affect the DW velocity, whereas increases in the strength of CD result in a decrease in the DW velocity. Moreover, for the spin-orbit torque driven motion, while the DMI enhances both the WB current density and the maximum attainable velocity below the WB, the CD only enhances the WB without affecting the maximum attainable velocity below the WB. Our findings open up intriguing opportunities for exploitation in exotic magnetic textures.


解耦手性磁畴壁中手性阻尼和 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya 相互作用的影响

我们重新审视了反演对称性破缺的单轴手性铁磁纳米线中手性阻尼 (CD) 和 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya 相互作用 (DMI) 的性质和影响。我们提出,CD 类似于其手性能量对应物 (DMI),可以用系统基本对称性所允许的 Lifshitz 不变量来描述。这种表示为将 CD 集成到各种手性磁性纹理的动力学中提供了更清晰的基础。我们从理论上研究了电流引起的手性畴壁 (DW) 运动,该运动由自旋转移矩和 CD 存在下的自旋霍尔效应驱动。我们证明,通过分析电流引起的动力学,可以明确区分 CD 的影响和 DMI 的影响。特别是,在沃克击穿 (WB) 以下,DMI 不会影响 DW 速度,而 CD 强度的增加会导致 DW 速度降低。此外,对于自旋轨道扭矩驱动运动,虽然DMI增强了WB电流密度和WB以下的最大可获得速度,但CD仅增强了WB而不影响WB以下的最大可获得速度。我们的发现为开发奇异磁性纹理开辟了有趣的机会。