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Environmental drivers of food webs in charr and trout‐dominated cold‐water lakes
Fish and Fisheries ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-15 , DOI: 10.1111/faf.12851
Henna Kangosjärvi 1 , Per‐Arne Amundsen 2 , Pär Byström 3, 4 , Anders G. Finstad 5 , Michael Power 6 , Javier Sánchez‐Hernández 7, 8 , Antti P. Eloranta 1

Cold‐water lakes situated in high latitudes and altitudes have pivotal socio‐ecological importance both globally and locally. However, they are increasingly threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors, such as climate change, hydropower and invasive species. The development of efficient management strategies is therefore urgently needed and requires a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the biodiversity and ecological processes of these ecosystems. We provide a holistic knowledge base for informed future research and management by addressing the interplay between local and global environmental drivers of food webs in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus, Salmonidae) and brown trout (Salmo trutta, Salmonidae) dominated cold‐water lakes in Fennoscandia. The trophic niche and population dynamics of these generalist top consumers provide extensive insights into the effects of natural and anthropogenic drivers on food webs in intensively studied Fennoscandian cold‐water lakes, covering marked biogeographical gradients in abiotic and biotic conditions. Drawing on a synthesis of existing literature, our focus is on three pivotal drivers: (1) lake location and connectivity, (2) lake area and morphometry and (3) fish community composition. These drivers significantly influence the complexity and the origin and flow of energy in lake food webs, and ultimately the size structure of the charr and trout populations. Furthermore, we highlight ongoing environmental changes in Fennoscandian cold‐water lakes caused by hydropower and invasive species. Finally, we identify crucial knowledge gaps and propose management actions for improving the future state of Fennoscandian cold‐water lake ecosystems and their charr and trout populations.



位于高纬度和高海拔地区的冷水湖在全球和当地都具有至关重要的社会生态重要性。然而,它们日益受到气候变化、水电和入侵物种等多种人为压力源的威胁。因此,迫切需要制定有效的管理策略,并需要全面了解影响这些生态系统生物多样性和生态过程的因素。我们通过解决北极红点鲑(Salvelinus alpinus,鲑科)和褐鳟(Salmo trutta,鲑科)主导的 Fennoscandia 冷水湖食物网的当地和全球环境驱动因素之间的相互作用,为未来的研究和管理提供全面的知识库。这些通才顶级消费者的营养生态位和种群动态为深入研究芬诺斯坎迪亚冷水湖中自然和人为驱动因素对食物网的影响提供了广泛的见解,涵盖了非生物和生物条件下的显着生物地理梯度。根据现有文献的综合,我们的重点是三个关键驱动因素:(1)湖泊位置和连通性,(2)湖泊面积和形态测量以及(3)鱼类群落组成。这些驱动因素显着影响湖泊食物网的复杂性以及能量的来源和流动,并最终影响红点鲑和鳟鱼种群的规模结构。此外,我们强调了由水力发电和入侵物种引起的芬诺斯坎迪亚冷水湖持续的环境变化。最后,我们确定了关键的知识差距,并提出了改善芬诺斯坎迪亚冷水湖生态系统及其红点鲑和鳟鱼种群未来状况的管理行动。