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Perspectives on pilot-wave hydrodynamics
Applied Physics Letters ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-15 , DOI: 10.1063/5.0210055
John W. M. Bush 1 , Valeri Frumkin 2 , Pedro J. Sáenz 3

We present a number of fresh perspectives on pilot-wave hydrodynamics, the field initiated in 2005 by Couder and Fort's discovery that millimetric droplets self-propelling along the surface of a vibrating bath can capture certain features of quantum systems. A recurring theme will be that pilot-wave hydrodynamics furnishes a classical framework for reproducing many quantum phenomena and allows one to rationalize such phenomena mechanistically, from a local realist perspective, obviating the need to appeal to quantum nonlocality. The distinction is drawn between hydrodynamic pilot-wave theory and its quantum counterparts, Bohmian mechanics, the Bohm–Vigier stochastic pilot-wave theory, and de Broglie's theory of the double-solution. Each of these quantum predecessors provide a valuable touchstone as we take the physical picture engendered in the walking droplets and extend it into the quantum realm via theoretical modeling. Emphasis is given to recent developments in the field, both experimental and conceptual, and to forecasting potentially fruitful new directions.



我们对导波流体动力学提出了许多新的观点,该领域由 Couder 和 Fort 于 2005 年发起,他们发现沿振动浴表面自推进的毫米级液滴可以捕获量子系统的某些特征。一个反复出现的主题是,导波流体动力学为再现许多量子现象提供了一个经典框架,并允许人们从局域实在论的角度机械地合理化这些现象,从而消除了诉诸量子非局域性的需要。流体动力学导波理论及其量子对应物、玻姆力学、玻姆-维吉尔随机导波理论和德布罗意双解理论之间存在区别。当我们获取行走液滴中产生的物理图像并通过理论建模将其扩展到量子领域时,这些量子前身中的每一个都提供了宝贵的试金石。重点关注该领域的最新进展,包括实验和概念,以及预测潜在富有成效的新方向。