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Low-oxygen, uniform, and dense Mo10Nb alloys obtained by combining in situ deoxygenation and mechanical alloying
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2024.106794
Xinyuan Zhang , Fujie Ren , Chengduo Wang , Qingkui Li , Benshuang Sun , Jilin He

A high oxygen content, poor uniformity and low density are difficult issues for Mo10Nb alloys prepared by powder metallurgy. In this study, Mo10Nb sintered billets are fabricated by nanocarbon addition and mechanical alloying. The results show that nanocarbon can remarkably reduce the O content of the Mo10Nb sintered billets with a slight increase in the C content. Low-oxygen, uniform, and dense Mo10Nb alloys can be obtained by combining in situ nanocarbon deoxygenation and mechanical alloying. Abrupt changes in stress appear in the stress–strain curves of the Mo10Nb alloy prepared from mixed powder, and the addition of nanocarbon can delay the first stress mutation. The stress changes are mainly caused by the unalloyed Nb containing a high oxygen content. However, the stress change disappears in the stress–strain curve of the Mo10Nb alloy with a low oxygen content, good uniformity and high density.



粉末冶金制备Mo10Nb合金存在氧含量高、均匀性差、密度低等难题。在这项研究中,Mo10Nb 烧结坯料是通过纳米碳添加和机械合金化制造的。结果表明,纳米碳可以显着降低Mo10Nb烧结坯的O含量,同时略微增加C含量。通过原位纳米碳脱氧与机械合金化相结合,可以获得低氧、均匀致密的Mo10Nb合金。混合粉末制备的Mo10Nb合金的应力-应变曲线出现应力突变,纳米碳的添加可以延缓第一次应力突变。应力变化主要是由含氧量较高的非合金铌引起的。然而,氧含量低、均匀性好、密度高的Mo10Nb合金的应力-应变曲线中应力变化消失。