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Fetching the ‘exterior’ ‘in’: Effects of an alliance’s collaborative governance and collaborative accountability on hotel innovation performance
International Journal of Hospitality Management ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103848
Mostafa Abdulmawla , Francesca Imperiale , Roberta Fasiello

From a firm perspective and based on the innovation life cycle approach, this paper has two aims: to examine how collaborative governance (CG) and collaborative accountability (CA) in hotel chains affect innovation performance (IP, i.e., creation, diffusion and evaluation) and to highlight the connections between IP and firm performance (financial, nonfinancial and environmental). PLS-SEM was used to analyse survey data from a sample of managers of international chain hotels in Egypt (n = 126). The results indicate that CA significantly affects IP and firm performance, while CG does not. Moreover, all IP dimensions are significant antecedents of hotel performance at the financial, nonfinancial and environmental levels. This study is one of the few addressing the effects of CG and CA on the innovation life cycle as a higher order construct in the hospitality arena. Accordingly, the final section provides meaningful theoretical and managerial contributions.



从企业的角度,基于创新生命周期方法,本文有两个目的:研究连锁酒店中的协作治理(CG)和协作问责(CA)如何影响创新绩效(IP,即创造、传播和评估)并强调知识产权与公司绩效(财务、非财务和环境)之间的联系。 PLS-SEM 用于分析埃及国际连锁酒店经理样本(n = 126)的调查数据。结果表明,CA 显着影响知识产权和公司绩效,而 CG 则不然。此外,所有知识产权维度都是酒店在财务、非财务和环境层面表现的重要先决条件。这项研究是为数不多的研究 CG 和 CA 对创新生命周期作为酒店领域高阶结构的影响的研究之一。因此,最后一部分提供了有意义的理论和管理贡献。