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Transgender people's experiences of hospitalization: A qualitative metasynthesis
Journal of Advanced Nursing ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-14 , DOI: 10.1111/jan.16325
Nicoletta Dasso 1 , Giulia Ottonello 2 , Mark Hayter 3 , Gianluca Catania 2 , Giulia Risso 2 , Giuseppe Aleo 2, 4 , Milko Zanini 2 , Loredana Sasso 2 , Annamaria Bagnasco 2

AimTo identify, synthesize, and interpret the scientific literature on the experience, perspectives, and feelings of transgender people during hospitalization.DesignA qualitative metasynthesis.Data SourcesPubMed, CINAHL and PSYCHINFO were consulted in March 2024.MethodsA literature review was conducted following Sandelowski and Barroso's four‐step metasynthesis methodology. The article selection process was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Studies were selected based on the objectives of the review, pre‐established criteria and quality appraisal. A thematic analysis was conducted after extracting relevant quotations and a metasynthesis table was created to compare quotations and analyse overarching themes.ResultsTwenty‐two studies were included after screening titles and abstracts, full texts, and references. Three themes were identified: ‘Perception of self‐identity’; ‘Misgendering’ and ‘Lack of staff training and awareness’.ConclusionTransgender people's healthcare experiences during hospitalization were mainly negative, delayed or uncomfortable. Misgendering and lack of awareness of transgender issues among healthcare workers generated anxiety and frustration. Key aspects of care for transgender people need to be included in all training programs for health professionals.Implications for the Profession and/or Patient CareThere is a need to increase education and awareness among healthcare professionals towards transgender people's needs during hospitalization ensure high quality care.Impact This study addressed the negative experience, perspectives and feelings of transgender people during hospitalization. Misgendering and unawareness of transgender peoples' issues create anxiety and frustration among nurses. Elements to improve care for transgender people need to be integrated into all nursing curricula and training programs. Reporting MethodThe authors adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP).Patient or Public ContributionSince this was a metasynthesis, no patient or public contribution was required.



目的识别、综合和解释有关跨性别者住院期间的经历、观点和感受的科学文献。设计定性荟萃分析。数据来源于 2024 年 3 月查阅了 PubMed、CINAHL 和 PSYCHINFO。方法按照 Sandelowski 和 Barroso 的四篇文献进行文献综述‐步骤综合合成方法。文章选择过程是使用系统评价和荟萃分析的首选报告项目 (PRISMA) 指南进行的。研究的选择是基于审查的目标、预先制定的标准和质量评估。提取相关引文后进行主题分析,并创建荟萃表来比较引文并分析总体主题。结果筛选标题和摘要、全文和参考文献后纳入22项研究。确定了三个主题:“自我认同的感知”; “性别歧视”和“缺乏员工培训和意识”。结论跨性别者住院期间的医疗体验主要是消极的、延迟的或不舒服的。医护人员的性别歧视和对变性问题缺乏认识导致了焦虑和沮丧。跨性别者护理的关键方面需要纳入针对卫生专业人员的所有培训计划中。对专业和/或患者护理的影响需要加强医疗保健专业人员对跨性别者住院期间需求的教育和认识,以确保高质量的护理。影响这项研究探讨了跨性别者住院期间的负面经历、观点和感受。性别歧视和对变性人问题的不了解导致护士焦虑和沮丧。改善跨性别者护理的要素需要纳入所有护理课程和培训计划中。报告方法作者遵守系统评价和荟萃分析的首选报告项目(PRISMA)指南和批判性评估技能计划(CASP)。患者或公众贡献由于这是一项荟萃分析,因此不需要患者或公众贡献。