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Tree structure and diversity shape the biomass of primary temperate mountain forests
Forest Ecosystems ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100215
Dheeraj Ralhan , Ruffy Rodrigo , Heather Keith , Annemiek Irene Stegehuis , Jakob Pavlin , Yumei Jiang , Miloš Rydval , Juliana Nogueira , Alexandre Fruleux , Marek Svitok , Martin Mikoláš , Daniel Kozák , Martin Dušátko , Pavel Janda , Oleh Chaskovsky , Cătălin-Constantin Roibu , Miroslav Svoboda

Primary forests are spatially diverse terrestrial ecosystems with unique characteristics, being naturally regenerative and heterogeneous, which supports the stability of their carbon storage through the accumulation of live and dead biomass. Yet, little is known about the interactions between biomass stocks, tree genus diversity and structure across a temperate montane primary forest. Here, we investigated the relationship between tree structure (variability in basal area and tree size), genus-level diversity (abundance, tree diversity) and biomass stocks in temperate primary mountain forests across Central and Eastern Europe. We used inventory data from 726 permanent sample plots from mixed beech and spruce across the Carpathian Mountains. We used nonlinear regression to analyse the spatial variability in forest biomass, structure, and genus-level diversity and how they interact with plot-level tree age, disturbances, temperature and altitude. We found that the combined effects of genus and structural indices were important for addressing the variability in biomass across different spatial scales. Local processes in disturbance regimes and uneven tree age support forest heterogeneity and the accumulation of live and dead biomass through the natural regeneration, growth and decay of the forest ecosystem. Structural complexities in basal area index, supported by genus-level abundance, positively influence total biomass stocks, which was modulated by tree age and disturbances. Spruce forests showed higher tree density and basal area than mixed beech forests, though mixed beech still contributes significantly to biomass across landscapes. Forest heterogeneity was strongly influenced by complexities in forest composition (tree genus diversity, structure). We addressed the importance of primary forests as stable carbon stores, achieved through structure and diversity. Safeguarding such ecosystems is critical for ensuring the stability of the primary forest, carbon store and biodiversity into the future.



原始森林是空间多样化的陆地生态系统,具有独特的特征、自然再生性和异质性,通过活生物量和死生物量的积累支持其碳储存的稳定性。然而,人们对温带山地原始森林的生物量储量、树属多样性和结构之间的相互作用知之甚少。在这里,我们研究了中欧和东欧温带原始山地森林的树木结构(断面积和树木大小的变化)、属级多样性(丰度、树木多样性)和生物量储量之间的关系。我们使用了来自喀尔巴阡山脉混合山毛榉和云杉的 726 个永久样地的库存数据。我们使用非线性回归来分析森林生物量、结构和属级多样性的空间变异性,以及它们如何与地块级树龄、干扰、温度和海拔相互作用。我们发现属和结构指数的综合影响对于解决不同空间尺度上生物量的变异性非常重要。干扰机制和不均匀树龄的局部过程通过森林生态系统的自然再生、生长和腐烂支持森林异质性和活生物量和死生物量的积累。断面积指数的结构复杂性,在属级丰度的支持下,对总生物量储量产生积极影响,而总生物量储量受树龄和干扰的调节。云杉林的树木密度和断面积高于混交山毛榉林,但混交山毛榉林仍然对整个景观的生物量做出了显着贡献。森林异质性受到森林组成复杂性(树属多样性、结构)的强烈影响。 我们讨论了原始森林作为稳定碳储存的重要性,这是通过结构和多样性实现的。保护此类生态系统对于确保未来原始森林、碳储存和生物多样性的稳定性至关重要。