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How does spatial distance to travel companions transform to temporal distance in travel purchase decisions?
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2024.07.002
Jin Cheng , Xuehuan He , Jun Wen , Lujun Su

The temporal distance between purchase time and departure time is inherent within travel purchase decisions. Construal level theory suggests that construal congruence between various dimensions of psychological distance leads to positive effects. Hence, this study explored whether the spatial distance between tourists and their companions in the pre-trip phase impacts temporal distance in travel purchase decisions. We tested a theoretical model that contained spatial distance between tourists and their companions, imagery vividness, temporal distance in travel purchase decisions, and product presentation by five studies. Findings revealed that spatially distant (vs. near) companions encourage tourists to purchase more distant-future (vs. near-future) tourism products. Additionally, spatial distance transforms to temporal distance in travel purchase decisions via imagery vividness, and this effect is more pronounced in abstract presentations than in concrete presentations.


