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A global south perspective on the interplay between innovation policy mix and technological innovation systems dynamics: The case of Dhaka City's road passenger transport system
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103932
Tohmina Khatoon , Paula Kivimaa , Marie Claire Brisbois , Shah Abdul Saadi

In the TIS-based innovation policy mix lens (Kivimaa and Kern, 2016), this paper investigates Dhaka City's low-emission transport policy mix (2000−2021), adopting document analysis and policy mapping exercises in an abductive research approach.The policy mix was geared towards influencing incremental but transformative transport regime change rather than niche stimulation and regime destabilization. It was supportive of selected low-emission transport supply-side solutions rather than transport demand management (TDM). It facilitated a positive role of the development partners in selected low-emission transports by technology transfer, resource mobilization, and local capacity development. While local prospective low-emission transport alternatives, i.e., walking and cycling received little policy support, highemission transports continued to receive it. Potentially disruptive policies were adopted but they lacked specific implementation mechanisms. The complex narratives found to be in play in the Global South inform that, compared to the Global North, understanding low-emission transport transitions in their megacities requires innovative thinking and context-specific approaches. To better capture and explain the unfolding low-emission transport transitions in the Global South megacities, we amended the TIS-based innovation policy mix framework by incorporating two functions – Changes in organizational routines and networks (IT1) and Changes in user practices and preferences (IT2) – aggregated into a new category, i.e., ‘Incremental but transformative regime-based change (IT). We argue that a Global South policy mix that supports low-emission transport niches (C-functions), high-emission transport regimes destabilization (D-functions) and incremental but transformative regime-based change (IT-functions) can influence a whole system change towards transport transitions.



在基于 TIS 的创新政策组合镜头中(Kivimaa 和 Kern,2016 年),本文研究了达卡市的低排放交通政策组合(2000−2021 年),采用归纳研究方法中的文件分析和政策映射练习。旨在影响增量但变革性的运输体制变化,而不是利基刺激和体制不稳定。它支持选定的低排放交通供应方解决方案,而不是交通需求管理(TDM)。它通过技术转让、资源调动和当地能力发展,促进发展伙伴在选定的低排放运输领域发挥积极作用。虽然当地潜在的低排放交通替代方案(即步行和骑自行车)几乎没有得到政策支持,但高排放交通继续获得政策支持。采取了潜在的破坏性政策,但缺乏具体的实施机制。南半球国家的复杂叙述表明,与北半球国家相比,了解大城市的低排放交通转型需要创新思维和针对具体情况的方法。为了更好地捕捉和解释南半球大城市正在发生的低排放交通转型,我们通过纳入两项功能修订了基于 TIS 的创新政策组合框架:组织惯例和网络的变化 (IT1) 以及用户实践和偏好的变化 (IT1)。 IT2) – 汇总为一个新类别,即“渐进但变革性的基于制度的变革 (IT)”。 我们认为,支持低排放运输利基(C 功能)、高排放运输制度不稳定(D 功能)以及渐进但变革性的基于制度的变革(IT 功能)的全球南方政策组合可以影响整个系统向运输转型转变。