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Aqueous VOCs in complex water environment of oil exploitation sites: Spatial distribution, migration flux, and risk assessment
Journal of Hazardous Materials ( IF 12.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.135121
Chao Wang 1 , Wanjun Wang 1 , Xinyuan Liu 1 , Yuan Tang 1 , Fan Wang 1 , Hailing Li 1 , Meicheng Wen 1 , Guiying Li 1 , Taicheng An 1

Pollution of the aqueous environment by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has caused increasing concerns. However, the occurrence and risks of aqueous VOCs in oil exploitation areas remain unclear. Herein, spatial distribution, migration flux, and environmental risks of VOCs in complex surface waters (including River, Estuary, Offshore and Aquaculture areas) were investigated at a typical coastal oil exploitation site. Among these surface waters, River was the most polluted area, and 1,2-Dichloropropane—which emerges from oil extraction activities—was the most prevalent VOC. Positive matrix factorization showed that VOCs pollution sources changed from oil exploitation to offshore disinfection activities along River, Estuary, Offshore and Aquaculture areas. Annual volatilization of VOCs to the atmosphere was predicted to be ∼34.42 tons, and rivers discharge ∼23.70 tons VOCs into the Bohai Sea annually. Ecological risk assessment indicated that Ethylbenzene and Bromochloromethane posed potential ecological risks to the aquatic environment, while olfactory assessment indicated that VOCs in surface waters did not pose an odor exposure risk. This study provides the first assessment of the pollution characteristics of aqueous VOCs in complex aqueous environments of oil exploitation sites, highlighting that oil exploitation activities can have nonnegligible impacts on VOCs pollution profiles.



挥发性有机化合物(VOC)对水环境的污染引起了越来越多的关注。然而,石油开采区水性VOCs的发生情况和风险仍不清楚。本文以典型沿海石油开采点为对象,对复杂地表水体(包括河流、河口、近海和水产养殖区)VOCs的空间分布、迁移通量和环境风险进行了调查。在这些地表水中,河流是污染最严重的区域,石油开采活动中产生的 1,2-二氯丙烷是最常见的 VOC。正矩阵分解表明,VOCs污染源从石油开采转向河流、河口、近海和水产养殖区域的近海消毒活动。预计每年挥发到大气中的VOCs约为34.42吨,河流每年向渤海排放VOCs约为23.70吨。生态风险评估表明乙苯、溴氯甲烷对水环境存在潜在生态风险,嗅觉评估表明地表水体VOCs不存在恶臭暴露风险。这项研究首次评估了石油开采现场复杂水环境中水性挥发性有机化合物的污染特征,强调石油开采活动可能对挥发性有机化合物污染状况产生不可忽视的影响。